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Woo Instant Notifications

开发者 Irdroid
更新时间 2022年8月30日 14:03
PHP版本: 4.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


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Print automatically receipts via a thermal printer for your WooCommerce orders.The Plugin allows you to customize the data on the printed receipts via shortcodes, automatic triggers based on order status change, built in customizable templates for order notification, invoices and packing slips. Possibility to manually re-print orders from the WordPress Dashboard. Works with any thermal printer with paper size 57mm, 80mm and 100mm. How it works? The plugin sends automatically pre-formatted plain text emails, based on order status change (For example, when a new order is received an automatic email with the order details is sent to a pre-defined email address, configured in the plugin). The content of the builtin receipt templates can be customized with text and shortcodes in order to include the needed information that you want to appear on the printed receipt. You have several options for automatic printing hardware setup:
  1. A Printer, connected to a PC that runs Mozilla Thunderbird (with the auto printing add-ons installed) and configured with email address (of your choise) for receiving print jobs.
  2. Our Cloud based WooPrinters, that connect directly to the Internet via WiFi or Wired (LAN) connection and monitor their Cloud mailboxes for incoming messages with order details.
  3. Cloudy - Android based Thermal Printing System with built-in thermal receipt printer, WiFi and 3G/4G Internet Connectivity, Cloud email address for message delivery and printing (Watch Demo Video below).
  4. MadPrint for automatic printing, using an Android smartphone or tablet, connected to a Bluetooth thermal receipt printer. Please refer to MadPrint description for tested devices.
The first option (1) requires you to use a computer with the Mozilla Thunderbird email client installed and configured with a email address (preferably dedicated for printing only ) in order to print incoming messages automatically. Mozilla Thunderbird is configured to check the above mailbox on a regular basis for any new emails that contain the order details.Once a new email with the order details is received it gets automatically printed via the printer connected to the computer that runs Mozilla Thunderbird (See animation below). [youtube] The above setup is useful if you already have a printer, connected to a computer on site and you dont want to invest in additional printing hardware. The second option (2) for printing hardware are our Cloud based network printers - The WooPrinter Series.The WooPrinter connects directly to the Internet via your WiFi / Wired router and checks its unique Cloud email address for new print jobs. Once a customer places and order via WooCommerce, the woo instant notifications plugin sends an email with the order details to the WooPrinter’s unique Cloud emails address. Then the WooPrinter prints the order details automatically (See animation below). [youtube] The above setup with our Cloud Based Printers is useful in case you need to setup a WooCommerce automatic printing system quickly and easily on site;You dont have the possibility to install additional computers and printers on site and you dont want to bother configuring Thunderbird.If that is the case, then our Cloud based printers are for you! Just connect the WooPrinter to the Internet via WiFi or LAN connection through your router and it will be up and running!It will start monitoring its Cloud based email address and waiting for print jobs! Last but not least, with the purchase of a WooPrinter, you also receive a license for Woo Instant Notifications PRO, which allows you to use extra features (See below). Cloudy - Android Based Thermal Printing System Demonstration [youtube] Printing hardware options and links
  1. WooPrinter WiFi NG thermal receipt printer , developed specially for woo instant notifications. Provides WiFi and wired connection to the wifi router / internet
  2. WooPrinter WiFi thermal receipt printer , developed specially for woo instant notifications. Provides WiFi and wired connection to the wifi router / internet
  3. WooPrinter Lan thermal receipt printer, also a product specially developed for woo instant notifications; provides wired connection to the wifi router / internet
  4. Cloudy - Android Printing System Android based thermal printing system.
  5. Any Printer / Thermal printer , connected to a computer that runs mozilla thunderbird with the auto printing tools installed.(Auto Printing emails with Mozilla ThunderBird - Video Tutorial)
The main benefit of using WooPrinter WiFi, WooPrinter Lan or Cloudy is that they do not require a connection to a computer in order to print woocommerce order receipts and they are printing receipts almost instantly after an order is placed as their polling interval (checking for new orders) is 10 - 20 seconds. The unit's directly connect to the internet via the client router and regularly check / retrieve for new orders/receipts. You can also use your own printer. In that case you will need a computer, running thunderbird with autoprint tools. The plugin is very useful for online shops as the order notification receipts are automatically printed and the person responsible for order processing just sees the receipts and processes the order (Example - the person responsible for order processing goes to work in the morning and sees what is ordered and processes the orders without the need of even opening wordpress admin section. The receipts can also be used for marketing, coupon codes printing and sent with the ordered products etc.) WooPrinter WiFi NG & LAN Demonstration [youtube] A setup with printer, connected to a computer that runs Thunderbird: [youtube]


From your WordPress dashboard
  1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New'
  2. Search for 'Woo Instant Notifications'
  3. Activate Woo Instant Notifications from your Plugins page.
  4. Go to WordPress Settings menu -> Woo Instant Notifications.
  5. Read Plugin Documentation
  1. Download Woo Instant Notifications.
  2. Upload the 'woo-instant-notifications' directory to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc...)
  3. Activate Woo Instant Notifications from your Plugins page.
  4. Go to WordPress Settings menu -> Woo Instant Notifications.


  • Add/Edit instant notifications
  • View notifications list
  • Example Packing slip receipt
  • WooPrinter WiFi Thermal Receipt Printer
  • WooCommerce Automatic Order Printing via WooPrinter WiFi / LAN, connected directly to the Internet via WiFi or LAN / Wired connection.
  • WooCommerce Automatic Order Printing via Printer, connected to a PC with Mozilla Thunderbird and auto printing tools.

