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Addon Twilio - Plivo SMS and WooCommerce

开发者 wp_estatic
更新时间 2019年12月31日 19:41
PHP版本: 4.0 & WooCommerce 2.3+ 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3.2


Woocommerce Notification Order SMS Alert Twilio Plivo


1.0.6 1.0.0 2.0.1


WooCommerce Send SMS alert after place order by customers, And admin can update order so customers get notification by text message into customers mobile number, its provied into order details. Why our plugin is better than other WooCommerce Order SMS Alert Listing Plugins?
  1. Easy to remind customres by send text message.
  2. No javascript Conflict
  3. No any ui or css need to set design
  1. No need to write any code for use this plugin.
  2. Only "Account SID" and "Auth Token" and "From Number" you need to set in plugin settings.
  3. Settings link you can find into plugin list or Woocommerce > Settings > SMS-EI.
  4. There we provide you two services for send text message to your existing customers.
  5. First "TWILIO SMS Send" and Second "PLIVO SMS Send".
  6. You can find Twilio SMS Account SID and AUTH TOKEN from this link at:
  7. You can find Plivo SMS Account SID and AUTH TOKEN from this link at:
  8. Visualized on screen shots.
  9. This plugin does not conflict javascript in any wordpress themes.
SMS PRICELIST No monthly fee, no minimum spend is required. You pay only for outgoing SMSs. Find Twilio Pricing Page To find if Twilio works in your country and to get additional pricing information please visit the Twilio SMS Pricing page. Find Plivo Pricing Page To find if Plivo works in your country and to get additional pricing information please visit the Plivo SMS Pricing page. Our other plugins
  1. Woo Stripe Addon
  2. Woo Eway Addon
  3. Woo Paypal Addon
  4. Woo Braintree Addon


Minimum Requirements Automatic installation In the search field type WooCommerce SMS Alert - Twilio/Plivo and click Search Plugins. Once you've found our plugin you can view details about it such as the the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking Install Now button. Manual installation Steps to install and setup this plugin are:
  1. Download the plugin
  2. Copy paste the folder to wp-content/plugins folder
  3. Activate the plugin and click on settings
  4. Find shotcode is given in Woocommerce > Settings > SMS-EI.
  5. If you need to get Twilio SMS alert service, So you can enable Twilio SMS Alert.
  6. If you need to get Plivo SMS alert service, So you ca enable Plivo SMS Alert.
  7. Enter Account SID and AUTH TOKEN and From number.( Both Twilio or Plivo).
  8. Twilio or Plivo not support TEST mode, So you need to set live mode Details.


  • Twilio Settings Page.
  • Plivo Settings Page.
  • Twilio console Authentication details find
  • Twilio Live/Test Mode details defferent find
  • Phone Numbers
  • Verifies Celler IDs (Phone Numbers)
  • Plivo Dashboard authentication details.