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Pay with Vipps and MobilePay for WooCommerce

开发者 wphostingdev
更新时间 2025年2月17日 19:40
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: MIT
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce subscriptions recurring payments vipps mobilepay


2.0.10 2.0.5 1.10.3 1.11.5 1.7.14 1.7.25 4.0.4 1.10.1 1.14.16 1.7.24 1.8.16 4.0.5 1.7.20 4.0.3 1.7.12 1.7.16 1.7.18 1.7.21 1.7.13 1.7.15 1.7.17 1.7.22 1.7.23 1.10.2 1.11.1 1.11.2 1.11.7 1.12.1 1.13.0 1.14.11 1.14.17 1.14.19 1.8.15 2.0.11 2.0.8 2.1.1 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.9 3.0.0 1.11.0 1.13.1 1.13.2 1.13.3 1.13.4 1.14.10 1.14.13 1.14.14 1.14.15 1.14.18 1.14.20 1.14.21 1.14.22 1.14.23 1.14.5 1.14.9 1.7.19 1.8.12 1.8.14 1.8.17 1.8.18 1.8.19 1.8.21 1.8.22 1.9.0 1.9.2 1.9.3 2.0.0 2.0.2 2.0.3 2.0.4 2.0.6 2.0.7 2.0.9 2.1.0 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 3.0.4 3.0.5 3.0.6 3.0.7 3.0.8 4.0.1 1.10.0 1.11.3 1.11.4 1.11.6 1.12.0 1.13.5 1.14.0 1.14.1 1.14.12 1.14.2 1.14.3 1.14.4 1.14.6 1.14.7 1.14.8 1.8.13 1.8.20 1.9.1 2.0.1 2.1.10 2.1.2 3.0.1 3.0.2 3.0.3 3.0.9 4.0.0 4.0.2


Official Vipps MobilePay payment plugin for WooCommerce. Let your Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish customers pay with Vipps and MobilePay for an easy, fast, and familiar shopping experience Vipps is used by more than 77 % of Norway's population (4.2 million users). MobilePay is used by more than 75 % of Denmark's population (4.4 million users), and more than 36 % of Finland's population (2 million users). Vipps and MobilePay are payment methods offered by Vipps MobilePay. When you enable this plugin, you will choose between offering either Vipps or MobilePay as a payment method for your customers - hence "Vipps/MobilePay" going forward. This is the official plugin for Vipps/MobilePay Checkout, Vipps/MobilePay ePayments (Vipps Nettbetaling), Vipps Express Checkout (Vipps Hurtigkasse) and Vipps/MobilePay recurring payments. Increase your conversion rate by letting your customers choose Vipps/MobilePay directly in the checkout or even do an Express Checkout (Vipps only) from the cart or a product page directly. You can also do important back office tasks such as capture and refund directly from WooCommerce. Easy for your customer and easy for you. Read information from Vipps about the plugin.


  1. Install the plugin using WordPress’ built-in installer. The plugin can also be installed manually by upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to the WooCommerce Settings page and choose Payment Gateways (Betalinger) and enable Vipps.
  4. Go the settings page for the Vipps plugin and enter your Vipps account keys. Your account keys are available in the Vipps Business Portal (detailed info in the section below)


  • Enable Vipps as a payment method.
  • Enter your Vipps account keys and configure the plugin.
  • Setup and activate the recurring payment gateway in WooCommerce.
  • Configure the plugin settings for recurring payments.


Version 4.0.5: Fix webhooks handling for some edge cases Version 4.0.4: Ensure WooCommerce uses the singleton for the payment gateway Protect against errors when cancelling non-captured amounts from completed orders. Version 4.0.3: Fix webhooks-initializing when recurring is present, and provide better feedback when testing connection to Vipp Version 4.0.2, 4.0.1: Several fixes to the recurring-support, fix intermittent error when showing warnings on duplicate plugins Version 4.0.0: This version integrates the Vipps MobilePay Recurring Payments plugin, adding support for recurring payments. (Recurring payments requires WooCommerce Subscriptions and a Vipps MobilePay MSN with recurring payments added).


In which countries can I use Vipps/MobilePay?

Vipps is currently only available in Norway (77 % user adoption in 2022) MobilePay is currently only available in Denmark and Finland (75 % and 36 % user adoption in 2022, respectively).

How can I get help if I have any issues?

For issues with your WooCommerce installation you should use the support forum here on For other issues you should contact Vipps MobilePay.

Why are orders put on-hold and not processing or completed?

This was the old default of this plugin until version 2.0. The newer default is now 'processing', but this also means that orders that are 'processing' will have their payment reserved, but not transferred to the merchant. You can still choose the status on-hold in the options screen. If you choose on-hold, orders with this status will have the payment reserved, but not yet transferred to the merchant. The money must be 'captured' before they are actually transferred to the merchant. You are normally only allowed to do this at the same time as the order is shipped. You can 'capture' the money explicitly on the order screen; but the money will be captured automatically when the order is set to "Processing" or "Complete". If you use the default or choose "processing", the same applies to this status: The order will be reserved, but not captured. You can do the capture manually, or it will automatically happen when the order is set to "Complete". Please note that you should ensure that your workflow is then so that the order is captured just before the package is shipped. There is an exception for orders where all items are both virtual and downloadable: These are not considered to need processing and will be captured automatically (and go directly to the 'Complete' status). It is possible to customize this property for your needs using the woocommerce_order_item_needs_processing filter.

Can I refund orders or part of orders using Vipps/MobilePay

Yes, you can do refunds, including partial refunds, using the standard WooCommerce mechanism ( Additionally, if you cancel an order that was already captured, the money will be refunded for the whole order if the order is not too old. For older orders, you must use the refund mechanism explicitly. This is a safety feature. If automatic refund through the Vipps API should fail, you will need to refund manually; in this case an error message to this effect will be displayed and the order annotated.

What is 'compatibility mode' in the settings?

Some plugins add new features to products or entirely new product types to WooCommerce; which the 'Express Checkout' function may not be able to handle. It can be possible to fix this using hooks and filters, but if you choose this feature, express checkout will be done in a different manner which is very much more likely to work for a given plugin. The cost is that the process will be slightly less smooth.

Why is my shipping wrong when using express checkout?

It may be that the shipping method you are using some how does not work when calculated from the Vipps app, where the customer is somewhat anonymous. However, since version 1.4.0 this problem ought to be greatly reduced, so if you still have this problem, report this on the forum and we'll try to fix it. If you have shipping methods that add additional information on the 'normal' checkout page they will not be able to provide that information to Express Checkout plugin, since that page is bypassed. You may be able to add those options on a different page; but you may want to remove those options when using Express Checkout. Formerly, there was a filter used to work around this, namely 'woo_vipps_shipping_methods'. This still works, but if you use it, it will disable the 'new' shipping method calculation. You may still customize the Express Checkout shipping; the new filter is called 'woo_vipps_shipping_rates'. To be sure, you should test your shipping methods in Express Checkout before going live. = I'd like to use sequential order numbers at Vipps instead of the WooCommerce order-ids using a sequential order number plugin. Does this plugins support that? Yes, though you need to ensure that the order-id's you produce like this are unique for your Vipps account, and you currently have to use a filter in your themes' functions.php file. We recommend using a prefix for your order ids, so a filter that will work with sequential order numbers would look like add_filter('woo_vipps_orderid', function ($default, $prefix, $order) { return $prefix . $order->get_order_number(); }, 10, 3);

Do I need to have a license for WooCommerce Subscriptions in order to use recurring payments?

Yes, you do. Get it here.

Does the recurring payment part of the plugin work with the WooCommerce Memberships-plugin?

WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Memberships are able to work together for access to recurring memberships that unlock content. WooCommerce Subscriptions is required in order to use Vipps/MobilePay recurring payments, but Memberships is not. You can read about how WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Memberships work together here.

When I use recurring payments, why do I have to capture payments for physical products manually?

This is because of the Norwegian law. You are not allowed to charge for a physical product before you ship it, without a valid reason to do so. You can read about it here. If you have a valid reason to do so you can use the "Capture payment instantly" option from the "Vipps/MobilePay recurring payments" settings in your product's settings.

When I use recurring payments and a renewal happens, why is the order on hold?

This is because when an order is charged in Vipps MobilePay it takes 2 days before the payment has been fully captured from the customer's bank account. After 2 days it will move to the "Processing" status. You can however change the behaviour of this by using the "Default status to give pending renewals" option in the plugin settings. Alternatively you could look into using WooCommerce "Early renewals": if ensuring the status of a charge is fully completed before a specific date is of up-most importance.

Firewall ports

Ensure outgoing traffic to port 443 is open. This is used to communicate with Vipps servers.

Does Vipps offer a test environment for Vipps for WooCommerce?

Yes, but you will need a separate account, and you will need to install a special test version of the Vipps app, available trough Testflight. For your test account, the keys will be at; you will configure these in the developer mode settings. Contact Vipps for access to the test app. This app must be installed on a device that does not have the normal Vipps app installed, or there will be conflicts. To use test mode, switch "Developer mode" on. There you can input the test keys from and turn test mode on and off. If this isn't practical for your usage, we recommend that you "test in production" with a small amount, like 2 NOK. Just refund or cancel the purchase as needed.

What are the requirements?

  • WooCommerce 3.3.4 or newer is required
  • PHP 7.4 or higher is required.
  • An SSL Certificate is required.

Filters and Hooks for customization

There are several filters and hooks you can use to customize the behaviour of this plugin:

  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_is_available': Takes a boolean availability argument and the gateway and must return true or false
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_available': Takes a boolean availability argument and the gateway and must return true or false.
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_cart_express_checkout_button': Receives a complete button text and the URL needed to proceed to the express checkout page.
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_banner': Receives a message with an express checkout button and an URL for the same, should return a message for the express checkout banner normally shown on the checkout page
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_buy_now_button': Takes HTML for the button, and optionally product id, variation id, sku and if the button is to be shown as disabled by default
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_show_express_checkout' - Takes a boolean, returns whether or not to show the express checkout button
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_show_single_product_buy_now' - Takes a boolean and a product, returns true if the product should show a 'buy now with vipps' button
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_show_single_product_buy_now_in_loop' - Like above, but especially for products shown in the loop - catalog pages, archives and so forth
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_spinner': takes one argument which is a 'wait' spinner for certain pages
  • Filter 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_shipping_rates' which replaces the 'woo_vipps_shipping_methods'. It takes a list of shipping methods, and order, and a cart. The format of the shipping methods is an array of 'rate' which is a WC_Shipping_Rate object, 'priority' which is an integer and the sort-order Vipps will use to display the alternatives, and 'default', which is a boolean: This will be the default choice
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_default_shipping_method' taking the default shipping method ID, a list of the shipping methods available (as a table from method id to WC_Shipping_Rate object) and the order. Return a shipping rate id, like 'local_pickup:5'
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_vipps_formatted_shipping_methods'. This will take an array of the methods to be sent to Vipps, formatted as required by Vipps. This is mostly for debugging.
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_shipping_callback_packages': Takes the 'packages' from the cart used to calculate shipping in the shipping details callback
  • Filter 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_final_shipping_rate': Takes an WC_Shipping_Rate object, the order, and the shipping info from Vipps. Must return a WC_Shipping_Rate object which will be added to the order.
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_country_to_code': Takes a country code and a country name. Should return a two-letter ISO-3166 country code from a given country name
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_show_capture_button': Takes a boolean and an order and returns whether or not to show the capture button in the backend
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_captured_statuses': Returns a list of the statuses for which Vipps should try a capture when transitioning to them.
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_transaction_text': Takes a transaction text and an order object, must return a text to be passed to Vipps and displayed to the user along the lines of "Please confirm your order"
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_special_page_template': Takes a (complete) template path as returned by locate_template and the ID of the Vipps special page, should return a new template path (using locate_template or similar).
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_order_failed_redirect': Takes an empty string or an url and an order id. If URL is returned, go there on cancelled or failed orders.
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_product_supports_express_checkout': Takes a boolean and a product, returns true if the product can be bought with express checkout
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_cart_supports_express_checkout': Takes a boolean and a cart, returns true if the cart can be bought with express checkout
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_supported_product_types': Returns a list of product types (as strings) that can be bought with express checkout
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_orderid': Takes default Vipps orderid, the order prefix, and an order object. Must return an unique (at Vipps) order ID with 30 chars or less. Default is the prefix + orderid, e.g. 'Woo364'.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_shipping_details_callback_order': Takes an order-id and the corresponding vipps order id. Run at the start of the shipping methods callback.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_restoring_cart': Takes an order and a saved cart contents array, ran after the order has failed or is aborted
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_cart_restored': Runs after the cart has been restored after the order has been aborted of failed ' Action: 'woo_vipps_cart_saved': When redirecting to Vipps, the cart is saved so it can be restored in case the order isn't completed. This action is ran after this has happened.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_before_redirect_to_vipps': Takes an order-id, called at the end of process_payment right before the redirect to Vipps
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_before_create_express_checkout_order': Takes the cart to do express checkout for, run before the order is created
  • Filter : 'woo_vipps_create_express_checkout_cart_contents': Takes a cart contents array from which an express checkout order will be created . Should return a like array.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_order_created': Takes an order ID, run right after an express checkout order has been created, but before it is processed'
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_before_process_payment': Takes an order-id, called at the start of process_payment
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_wait_for_payment_page': Run on the page shown on return from Vipps
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_page': Run on the express checkout page, before redirect to Vipp
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_set_order_shipping_details': Takes an order object, shipping details from Vipps and user details from Vipps. Runs after shipping details have been added to the order on return from express checkout.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_callback': Runs when Vipps does the callback on a successful payment, takes Vipps' data as input. Useful for logging/debugging the callback.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_express_checkout_get_order_status': Takes the order status returned by Vipps - called when the Vipps callback hasn't happened and we need the order status. Useful for logging.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_vipps_callback': Is ran when the Vipps callback happen, with the decoded and raw POST from Vipps. Useful for logging.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_shipping_details_callback': Is ran when Vipps does the shipping details callback on express checkout. Takes decoded and raw POST from Vipps, and the callback args. For debugging.
  • Action: 'woo_vipps_shipping_details_before_cart_creation': Run after order is updated but before a cart is created to do shipping calculations. Takes an order, The order-id at Vipps and the callback arguments from Vipps
  • Filter: 'woo_vipps_transaction_text_shop_id': This is used to identify your shop in the transaction texts sent to Vipps (and shown to the user). Default is home_url(), but there is a length limit, so this filter allows you to keep it short.


  • [woo_vipps_express_checkout_button] will print the express checkout button if valid
  • [woo_vipps_express_checkout_banner] will print the express checkout banner normally shown on the checkout page for non-logged-in users
  • [woo_vipps_buy_now sku= id= variant=] prints a "buy now" button given a SKU or an (product or variant) id. Just the SKU is sufficient.


2025-02-17 version 4.0.5 Fix webhooks handling for some edge cases New and improved Wizard for new users 2025-02-04 version 4.0.4 Ensure WooCommerce uses the singleton for the payment gateway Protect against errors when cancelling non-captured amounts from completed orders. 2025-02-03 version 4.0.3 Fix webhooks-initializing when recurring is present, and provide better feedback when testing connection to Vipp 2025-01-20 version 4.0.2 Fixes for crash on after_plugin_row 2025-01-20 version 4.0.1 Recurring updated to 2.1.4 2025-01-13 version 4.0.0 This version integrates the Vipps MobilePay Recurring Payments plugin, adding support for recurring payments. (Recurring payments requires WooCommerce Subscriptions and a Vipps MobilePay MSN with recurring payments added). Fixes some spurious warnings 2024-12-18 version 3.0.9 Fix wrapper of Express Checkout button on the terms-and-condition page Preliminary Swedish translations 2024-12-09 version 3.0.8 Support for the Product Collection block with the new Buy-now block for Vipps Express checkout. This new block being standard from Woo 9.5, support for the old "All products" block is removed. The other legacy collection blocks are still supported, since the framework for those is rather easier to maintain. If you are using the All Products block and want support for Express Checkout, we suggest moving on to the new Product Collection block. 2024-12-02 version 3.0.7 If an order has been edited so that its value is less than the reserved amount, cancel the rest of the reserved amount after capture Also, if an order that has not been captured yet needs repayment (in the Processing state) we now allow this. The money can only be refunded after capture, but in this case we will release the "refunded" money as soon as the order has been set to "complete". The On-Site messaging badge block will now use the 3.0 Block API Change epayment_cancel_payment logic to match documentation Update the Badge block to the latest specifications and enable it for MobilePay 2024-11-18 version 3.0.6 Two extremely dumb errors fixed that interacted with 3.0.5 to disable Vipps Checkout. Sorry. 2024-11-18 version 3.0.5 Fixes compatibility issues with Checkout, Checkout for Recurring, WooCommerce Subscriptions and Gutenberg Checkout block 2024-11-12 version 3.0.4 Fixes an issue with too small images being uploaded to Vipps for orders Does actions requiring translations in after_set_theme instead of plugins_loaded to avoid triggering "doing it wrong"-errors in WP 6.7. 2024-10-28 version 3.0.3 Fix issue with orders with zero-value fees Fix issue with not being able to turn off Klarna in Checkout Change settings-setup to require country to be selected first 2024-10-14 version 3.0.2 Fix support of Klarna Payments as an external payment method 2024-10-07 version 3.0.1 The Gutenberg Checkout block has changed it's treatment of the return value of Process Payment, which is now required to be an array (earlier documentation specified a NULL) even in case of errors. This caused problems with Vipps/Mobilpay to get turned into fatal errors; fixed in this version. 2024-09-16 version 3.0.0 In this version, we are introducing an all-new settings screen reached from the Vipps Mobilpay menu. The old settings page will redirect to this. It should look and feel familiar, but we're going to use this page to hopefully improve the configuraton experience as the features improve and the settings grow more complicated. We also support the new block-based product editor from this version on. To be able to do this, we are increasing the required version of Wordpress to version 6.2. If you are unable to upgrade wordpress to this version, you can still download versions from the 2.1.x branch on - but we'll only add essential and security fixes to this branch. 2024-09-10 version 2.1.10 Fix CSS on QR-code page 2024-09-09 version 2.1.9 Handle coupons for Vipps Checkout 2024-08-26 version 2.1.8 Change API to use taxRate instead of taxPercent to allow for VAT change in Finland 1. sep 2024. 2024-08-16 version 2.1.7 Allow Klarna as external payment method in Checkout Fix issue with session handling that would break shipping in Checkout in Woo 9.2 2024-08-15 version 2.1.6 Stop refunding cancelled orders when they are older than 30 days as a safety measure. This can be changed by the 'woo_vipps_cancel_refund_days_threshold' filter. 2024-07-29 version 2.1.5 Fix error handling when receiving callbacks to unknown orders Fix trying to use Woos logger when woo hasn't been loaded yet 2024-06-18 version 2.1.4 Fix untranslateable string and a sprintf format string with a bug in it (Thanks Knut Sparhell for reporting) 2024-06-10 version 2.1.3 Fix annoying regression where VippsCheckout would trigger the "Unknown order" branch on the thank you page 2024-06-07 version 2.1.1, 2.1.2 Fix issue where session was not active when computing checkout fields Fix previous fix for older php versions Bump required php version to 7.0 2024-06-05 version 2.1.0 Removed support for Instabox in Vipps Checkout Shipping Added support for external payment methods in some markets Changed gateway registering to use class name instead of instantiated objects to prevent unintended breakage 2024-05-21 version 2.0.11 Fixed some utranslatable strings and changed MobilePay reservation time notices to 14 days 2024-04-22 version 2.0.10 Added nocache-headers for nginx Fixed an issue that could delay order confirmations in rare situations Added a failsafe for certain situations that could destroy sessions in shipping computation 2024-03-25 version 2.0.9 Fixed some places where NOK were hard-coded in as currency. 2024-03-18 version 2.0.8 Create a limit of 10 attempts to capture an order; do not call API after this. The order will be uncapturable. It is possible to reset this by pressing "Get complete transaction details" in the Vipps metabox for the order. Fix in the logic for deleting webhooks 2024-03-11 version 2.0.7 Minor updates and language 2024-02-19 version 2.0.6 Made sure the filters for the_title on the checkout page works even with too few arguments Added notice and warning for MobilePay that capture must be done within 14 days 2024-01-25 version 2.0.5 Add workaround for Orderline issue with Checkout Use for translations 2024-01-25 version 2.0.3, 2.0.4 Fix default payment status More protection against issues where settings are wrong and the plugin tries to instantiate webhooks 2024-01-24 version 2.0.1, 2.0.2 Fix bug in uninstall hook and activation hook when settings are wrong in the database 2024-01-23 version 2.0.0 Support MobilePay as a payment method in Finland Use the Epayment api for all transactions other than Vipps Express Checkout 2024-01-17 version 1.14.21 and 1.14.23 Disable support for order attribution by default - it can be added in the "Advanced" settings. Some sites got crashes due to memory use. 2024-01-16 version 1.14.21 and 1.14.22 Minor fix for 8.5.1 and express checkout 2024-01-15 version 1.14.20 Support Order Attribution in Vipps Checkout and Express Checkout 2023-12-14 version 1.14.19 Support for Mailchimp for WooCommerce, fixed regressions 2023-12-14 version 1.14.18 Debugging information added for situations where an order may be spuriously cancelled Fix regression error in activate/deactivate actions 2023-12-13 version 1.14.17 Fix for issues with stored admin notices in newer woos, small css fix 2023-11-27 version 1.14.16 Minor fixes, refactoring Checkout support for further features 2023-10-16 version 1.14.15 Stop zeroing out addressline 2 in checkout Fix polling when sessions are very long-lived in woo 2023-10-06 version 1.14.14 Fix sanitizion of output in Buy-Now button code; thanks to Darius Sveikauskas for reporting 2023-09-18 version 1.14.13 Check that images uploaded to receipts are either jpeg or png 2023-08-22 version 1.14.12 Fix edge cases where orders were wrongly cancelled in Vipps Checkout 2023-08-22 version 1.14.11 More filters/hooks: do_action('woo_vipps_before_thankyou', $orderid, $order); Runs before the thankyou page is reached, and can be used to finalize orders created using Checkout or Express Checkout, plus apply_filters('woo_vipps_express_checkout_new_username', '', $email, $userdata, $order); Which can be used to customize the username for new users created using express checkout or Vipps Checkout. Supports MailerLite – WooCommerce integration (woo-mailerlite) in Vipps Checkout Fix crashing bug interaction with the Add-on WooCommerce – MailPoet plugin 2023-07-31 version 1.14.10 Handle the new Thankyou-page behavious in Vipps Checkout too, by adding a new option to register/log in users Prepare to handle other Checkout flows 2023-07-19 version 1.14.9 Support Free shipping for Porterbuddy in Vipps Checkout Fix issue with Woo 5.8.x and above where Express Checkout required email confirmation before the thankyou page was shown. 2023-06-22 version 1.14.8 Fix back button on express checkout 2023-06-12 version 1.14.7 Add protection against caches ignoring nocache-headers and rename the "limited session" parameter to something sane. 2023-05-31 version 1.14.6 Ensured admin notices do not crash newer versions of WooCommerce when Vipps is triggered with no current screen 2023.04.25 version 1.14.5 Changed descriptions on Bring shipping methods for Vipps Checkout Fixed typo which made the "Confirm terms and conditions" screen always appear if started from the Cart 2023.03.16 version 1.14.4 Apparently some setup got called woocommerce_init_shipping more than once, which crashed on the new Checkout shipping methods. 2023.03.16 version 1.14.3 Bugfix for some shipping methods in Vipps Checkout 2023.03.13 version 1.14.2 Ensures that orders that don't need shipping do not ask for addresses from customers unless you explicitly want to. Small bugfixes too. 2023.03.06 version 1.14.1 Set require_userInfo to false per default for Elemenor and other users of pre_handle_404 Bugfixes 2023.02.14 version 1.14.0 Support Vipps Checkout version 3 with extended support for shipping methods in Vipps Checkout, allowing for the selection of pickup points and more. Remove default title on Vipps Checkout page Added filter to support for extra consent checkbox in Vipps Checkout 2023.02.06 version 1.13.5 Add failsafe for rare bug affecting some external payment method purchases with Klarna Checkout 2023.01.25 version 1.13.4 Remove lookup of orderid based on Vipps-orderid from database to improve speed and remove issues with transients etc. 2023.01.02 version 1.13.3 Workaround for WooCommerce Smart Coupons bug Let Vipps Checkout handle the WooCommerce endpoints for thankyou etc, for better Elementor compatibility Support for Pixel Your Site-like mechanisms for Vipps Checkout 2022.12.21 version 1.13.2 Fix for a php8 issue with unset options for the badge feature 2022.12.13 version 1.13.1 Changes required for newer version of epayment-api Changes in localization for blocks 2022.12.12 version 1.13.0 Added support for HPOS ( Added protection from Vipps being ran while WooCommerce is deactivated 2022.11.28 version 1.12.1 Added support for ecommerce-tracking in GAv4 and AdWords for Monster Insights, plus extra support for Express Checkout for Pixel Your Site. 2022.11.21 version 1.12.0 Added support for Vipps On-Site Messaging badges 2022.11.09 version 1.11.7 Fix issue with duplicate order ID's, but for real this time 2022.11.07 version 1.11.6 Fix issue with duplicate order ID's 2022.10.24 version 1.11.5 Reorganization of banner code 2022.10.10 version 1.11.4 New option for turning off receipts, better support for tax-free shipping 2022.10.05 version 1.11.3 2022.09.29 version 1.11.2 2022.09.27 version 1.11.1 2022.09.26 version 1.11.0 2022.09.19 version 1.10.3 2022.08.26 version 1.10.2 2022.08.17 version 1.10.1 2022.07.04 version 1.10.0 2022.06.28 version 1.9.3 2022.06.20 version 1.9.2 2022.06.13 version 1.9.1 2022.05.30 version 1.9.0 2022.05.25 version 1.8.22 2022.04.07 version 1.8.21 2022.04.06 version 1.8.20 2022.03.24 version 1.8.19 2022.03.22 version 1.8.18 2022.03.21 version 1.8.17 2022.03.14 version 1.8.16 2022.03.07 version 1.8.14 2022.03.01 version 1.8.13 2022.02.28 version 1.8.12 2022.02.09 version 1.7.25 2022.01.18 version 1.7.24 2021.12.20 version 1.7.23 2021.12.13 version 1.7.22 2021.11.29 version 1.7.21 2021.11.22 version 1.7.20 2021.11.17 version 1.7.19 2021.11.15 version 1.7.18 Add support for Woocommerce Subscriptions manual renewals using a filter and a developer setting. Fix issue where customer was assumed to exist even when doing cron jobs for rescuing dead orders Add support for testing the callback handler remotely 2021.10.19 version 1.7.17 Fix CSS issue caused by previous version 2021.10.18 version 1.7.16 Support a more explicit, multi-step address selection flow in Express checkout, toggleable in the settings Small CSS fixes for certain themes 2021.10.05 version 1.7.15 Fix various php8-related bugs 2021.10.04 version 1.7.14 Add extra supports for plugins like Yith WooCommerce Name Your Price and move compatibility hacks into a separate file Support non-standard pretty permalinks by stopping redirect_canonical after a special page has been requested. 2021.09.13 version 1.7.13 Ensure refunds of 0 NOK are not handled by Vipps 2021.08.23 version 1.7.12 The cron job that checks the status of abandoned orders have since 1.7.10 restored these orders' session to check the status as correctly as possible. It seems this may ruin the session of other active users however, and we can't have that, so now the status is checked without restoring the session. 2021.08.09 version 1.7.11 Updating for latest versions of WP and Woo 2021.06.22 version 1.7.10 Added a fail safe for situations where the Vipps callback fails and the customer does not return to the store 2021.06.14 version 1.7.9 Tiny change in "No shipping required" setup 2021.05.18 version 1.7.8 Fix error-handling when creating new customers in express checkout 2021.05.18 version 1.7.7 Fix integration with Klarna Checkout so Vipps can be disabled as external payment method when appropriate 2021.04.19 version 1.7.6 Version bump for new version of WooCommerce and Blocks 2021.03.29 version 1.7.5 Increase priority of handling special pages to avoid 404-handlers in themes and plugins to handle them first 2021.03.24 version 1.7.4 Fix the undismissable banner issue by ensuring browsers won't have cached the admin javascript 2021.03.22 version 1.7.3 Remainder that the Login with Vipps plugin exists 2021.03.15 version 1.7.2 Fixes javascript problem on express checkout screen that could be caused by plugin interactions 2021.03.01 version 1.7.1 Compatibility with Woo 5.0.0 and WP 5.7.0 2021.01.25 version 1.7.0 Stop using the deprecated payment status interface. This is a quite large rewrite that should be invisible to uses. 2021.01.18 version 1.6.9 Bugfixes for user creation in express checkout 2021.01.05 version 1.6.8 Bugfix for Gutenberg blocks 2020.12.22 version 1.6.7 Bugfix for user login in express checkout 2020.12.18 version 1.6.6 Bugfix for Woo gutenberg blocks (other than all products) 2020.12.14 version 1.6.5 Login and user creation synchronized better with Login with Vipps Tested on newest versions 2020.11.25 version 1.6.4 More sanitation added 2020.11.24 version 1.6.3 Updated WP/Woo versions 2020.11.16 version 1.6.2 Bugs fixed: undefined variable removed (thanks to kimmenbert @ github for reporting) Correct version of the plugin reported to the Vipps-api Ensure all products are in stock when using Express Checkout (thanks to lykkelig @ for reporting) 2020.11.02 version 1.6.1 Bugs fixed: WPML support reenabled thanks to a bug report by @kodeks, user creation improved thanks to @henmor 2020.10.19 version 1.6.0 Integrate with Login with Vipps and provide again the "create users when using express checkout" checkbox. If you choose too, this will then create (and log in) users when using express checkout. Only users without privileges will be logged in like that. If you install Login with Vipps, this will be set as the default choice. 2020.10.05 version 1.5.2 Fixed deletion of cancelled orders; thanks to @alarsen2 for reporting 2020.09.28 version 1.5.1 Fixed issue with payment_complete not being called. Thanks to espen @ nhg for reporting and debugging 2020.09.14 version 1.5.0 Added support for WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks: the Checkout block, the All Products blocks and other product blocks. 2020.07.29 version 1.4.11 Added the WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT constant to create_partial_order, because some plugins act differently on checkout and on normal page views. Improved compatibility with KCO external payments 2020.07.01 version 1.4.10 Added yet another call to calculate_totals on the cart after the woocommerce_cart_loaded_from_session action 2020.07.01 version 1.4.9 Fixed a bug in the session-restore code for Express Checkout that could affect pricing of shipping Added a do-action call to 'woocommerce_cart_loaded_from_session' in callbacks to allow dynamic pricing plugins to run their code 2020.06.29 version 1.4.8 2020.05.25 version 1.4.7 2020.04.27 version 1.4.6 2020.04.27 version 1.4.5 2020.04.06 version 1.4.4 2020.03.23 version 1.4.3 2020.03.03 version 1.4.2 2020.02.25 version 1.4.1 2020.02.24 version 1.4.0 2020.02.07 version 1.3.7 2020.02.03 version 1.3.6 2020.01.22 version 1.3.5 2018.06 Initial version - changelog truncated