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WooCommerce Shop ratings & review widget by RatingChamp

开发者 cloudstorm
更新时间 2016年5月11日 04:06
PHP版本: 3.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


widget seo woocommerce widgets reviews review rating rich snippets ratings rate reputation wp rating rating platform rating system wordpress rating




RatingChamp - WooCommerce Shop Ratings and Reviews you can trust RatingChamp lets customers post genuine reviews about your service. You get valuable feedback, while increases the conversion rates and cart value of your online store with the help of the RatingChamp-Widget. On top RatingChamp provides a profile page for your store, in which customers have the opportunity to see all customer reviews. If you ever get a not good review, you have the opportunity to leave a explanation for this customer. The explanation will be displayed beside the review. RatingChamp provides a viable alternative to other solutions reviewed, but at a low price! See for yourself for yourself, our "Small" package is free and is ideal for small shops or clients in your main store. More informations about RatingChamp


  1. Signup for a RatingChamp account
  2. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ratingchaamp directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
  4. Use the Settings->RatingChamp screen to configure the plugin.
  5. Fill the fields "RatingChamp API Account-Key" and "RatingChamp API Password" with your API credentials which you can find at your RatingChamp control panel in the section Configuration => Shop information. You have received your login to the control panel via eMail after step 1.
  6. Set the field "Order status for transfer" to the status that you assign the woocommerce orders when you shipp the goods. Make sure to choose a delay in RatingChamp control panel (in Configuration => General Configuration) that ensures, that the customer has reveived his order, to be able to leave a review for your onlinestore.
Enabling the widget: After your shop has received at least 5 reviews, your rating widget can be displayed in your store. If you have less than 5 reviews the widget will not be displayed. If you have 5 or more reviews, use the Widget menu of WordPress (in Appearance) to move the RatingChamp widget in the prefered widget area.


  • **RatingChamp Profile** - You should also check your stores profile page. Make sure to setup all informations.
  • **WordPress/WooCommerce API-Data** You have to setup the API-Data in your WordPress installation to make the Plugin work.
  • **RatinChamp Widget** - After you have gatherd 5 reviews your widget can be displayed in your WooCommerce store.
  • **Widget Selection** - Make sure to select the widget that fits best to your needs.
  • **RatingChamp Profile** - You should also check your stores profile page. Make sure to setup all informations.
  • **WordPress/WooCommerce API-Data** You have to setup the API-Data in your WordPress installation to make the Plugin work.
  • **RatinChamp Widget** - After you have gatherd 5 reviews your widget can be displayed in your WooCommerce store.
  • **Widget Selection** - Make sure to select the widget that fits best to your needs.


1.0 Initial Release