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Woocommerce Gateway XEM (Luxtag Fork)

开发者 inpali
更新时间 2019年7月22日 12:39
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


payment woocommerce payment gateway bitcoin digital currency nem xem xem coin




This plugin is forked from We fork the plugin to maintain its compatibility with current wordpress. Accept XEM payments directly in your store. This plugin lets you automatically take payment and settle orders in XEM It will automatically convert the checkout amount into XEM during customer checkout It can be used alongside other payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal. You can list your products in USD or EUR, and take payment in XEM. You can choose to show prices in both The payment process is built upon standard Woocommerce processes, so other 3pt plugin should work. Currently supported currencies are USD and EUR.


  1. Upload woocommerce-gateway-xem to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory OR download it from the Wordpress repository.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> XEM and configure your payment method.


  • The settings panel for store managers.
  • If you choose to show both default and XEM currency, this is how it looks like. (optional).
  • The payment method show to customer under checkout.
  • The settings panel for store managers.
  • If you choose to show both default and XEM currency, this is how it looks like. (optional).
  • The payment method show to customer under checkout.
  • The settings panel for store managers.


2.1.6 No notices


2.2.0 2.1.9 2.1.8 2.1.7 2.1.6