XL NMI Gateway for WooCommerce is a free plugin by XLPlugins.
It allows you to accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, and Diners Club credit card directly on your store.
Install "XL NMI Gateway for WooCommerce" Plugin.
Activate the Plugin.
Go to Woocommerce > Settings > Payments
Enable the Gateway and manage the credentials
2.4.0 (13-01-2025)
Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce v9.5.0
Fixed: PHP error about AssertionError resolved.
Fixed: Pass additional arguments to the nmi requests in customer vault payments.
2.3.0 (25-09-2023)
Fixed: Missing Javascript file from core module.
2.3.0 (22-09-2023)
Fixed: Card element getting destorted in case of multistep checkout form with FunnelKit checkout.
Fixed: PHP error about AssertionError resolved.
2.2.0 (07-02-2023)
Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce v7.3.0
Added: Compatibility with Wordpress v6.1.0
Added: Compatibility with PHP v8.0.
Fixed: Issue with payments from the saved card tokens in some cases.
2.1.0 (04-08-2021)
Added: Support for WP 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.6
Fixed: Subscriptions created using woofunnels upsells were not getting charged correctly.
Fixed: Issue with change payment method for subscriptions using my-account page.
2.0.2 (15-10-2020)
Added: Notice to show alert message regarding invalid tokenization key.
Fixed: Issue with credit card fields not loading when a single gateway present
Fixed: An issue when Collect.js is unable to load on checkout page.
2.0.1 (07-10-2020)
Fixed: Issue with charging mechanism when tokenization is enabled.
Updated: Woofunnels core.
Improved: Logging for debugging.
2.0.0 (01-10-2020)
Added: Collect JS for card tokenization to make the gateway PCI compliance.
Added: Option to make transactions using Private API key along with legacy method (username and password)
Added: AVS result from NMI response to order note.
Added: Setting for sending gateway receipt.
Fixed: Issue with renewals order when gateway is disabled.
Fixed: Issue with subscription renewals when free trial subscriptions purchased in upsell offer in guest order.
1.8.8 (22-07-2020)
Fixed: Showing notice about undefined 'woofunnels' in submenu when no other woofunnels plugin installed.
Fixed: updated woofunnels core.
1.8.7 (14-07-2020)
Fixed: Resolved conflicts with 'Cost of Goods' plugin due to mismatch version of the Skyverge libraries.
Fixed: Avoid loading of .map js file showing console error in devtools on every page of the site.
1.8.6 (12-06-2020)
Fixed: Removed parameters 'state, city, zipcode' etc. Now it only needs minimum parameter for adding a new payment method.
Fixed: Logging time set as UTC
Fixed: Issue with overriding 'Place Order' button text.
Added: New apply_filters for sending customer_receipt parameter as true by default.
Fixed: Issue with renewals and duplicate transaction after a successful transaction.
1.8.5 (06-03-2020)
Fixed: Gateway description not showing below the gateway radio on front-end checkout page.
Fixed: Missing detailed declined message on front end for end customer instead of generic error message when detailed declined message enabled from settings.
Improved: Logging and error handling, PHPCS fixes.
Tweak - Added filter to allow modification in final request data sent to NMI.
New - Added action to add custom fields (like descriptor) on checkout page.
1.8.4 (13-12-2019)
Added: Subscriptions upsell support using UpStroke WooCommerce One Click Upsells plugin
Fixed: Updated woofunnels core
Fixed: PHP notice for regex compilation error
Updated: Compatible with WordPress 5.3
Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.8
1.8.3 (29-05-2019)
Fixed: Updated woofunnels core
1.8.2 (05-03-2019)
Fixed: Notice for undefined 'exp_year' when adding payment method
1.8.1 (13-02-2019)
Fixed: 'Invalid username' issue when there are special characters in address fields
1.8 (07-02-2019)
Added: Notice when woocommerce subscriptions plugin is active and tokenization is not enabled.
Fixed: Issue with subscriptions payments
1.7 (24-01-2019)
Improved: Improved and added some more logs
Fixed: Removed the token edit options from user edit page by admin.
1.6 (11-12-2018)
Fixed: CVV/CSC handling in case of token payment
1.5 (06-12-2018)
Fixed: Issue with force tokenization
1.4 (04-12-2018)
Added: New filter hook to allow force tokenization