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BulkGate SMS Plugin for WooCommerce

更新时间 2025年2月20日 20:11
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce ecommerce alerts whatsapp order status notifications affiliate program sms eshop sms gateway sms order bulk sms send sms sms notifications woocommerce sms viber order notification custom hooks sms marketing woocommerce store sms campaign notify admin sms alerts sms api notifikace target marketing sms woocommerce customer notification sms plugin sms module stav objednávky upozornění sms brána sms kampaň sms objednávka informační sms sms notifikace hromadná sms sms upozornění poslat sms woocommerce sms notifications woocommerce sms notifikace woocommerce order sms notifications woocommerce sms notification plugin marketing campaigns 2-way SMS two way SMS two way communication viber notification woocommerce viber notifications order alert viber campaign viber for business viber business viber notifikace viber oznámení viber kampaň two-way oznámení objednávky oznámení o objednávce notifikace objednávky rcs rbm



Send SMS, Viber Business, RCS Business Messaging, and WhatsApp Business messages from your e-shop using the BulkGate plugin for WooCommerce (former WooSMS plugin) Send SMS and Viber messages to over 200 countries and regions via BulkGate SMS plugin for WooCommerce and create new opportunities for your business. Viber for Business with the official Viber partner Take advantage of more personal and cost-effective communication. Create a verified Viber business account with BulkGate and use Viber business messages alone or with SMS when communicating with customers. Why use Viber business messages in your store? Why use RCS Business Messaging (RBM)? Why should you choose WhatsApp Business Messages? Plugin Pricing This WooCommerce SMS plugin is for free. You only pay for the messages you send. SMS You only pay for the messages you send. Take a look at our price list to see how much SMS costs in your country and whether two-way messaging and different sender types are supported. Viber business messages The minimum monthly spend required by Viber is €100, or €150 in some countries. Business messages sent above are charged according to the actual spending rate. Take advantage of great prices with the official Viber partner BulkGate. RCS Business Messaging (RBM) We currently provide RBM services within Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Gradually we will extend the RBM offer to operators in other countries. WhatsApp Business Messages BulkGate is only an intermediary for WhatsApp messages. Whatsapp Business messages are charged according to the actual spending rate set by Meta Inc. BulkGate Plugin Features Customer & Admin notifications Bulk marketing/promotional campaigns Two-way messaging Communicate directly with customers via 2-way SMS or Viber, WhatsApp, RBM and get their reactions or answer their questions. Statistics and records API & Custom Hooks Mobile Connect (Android only) Install our Android app and connect your WooCommerce e-shop with your mobile phone. Take advantage of the cheap (or free) messages from your carrier's mobile plan to send SMS messages via the BulkGate SMS plugin for WooCommerce. Find out more info. POWERED BY BULKGATE This SMS plugin for WooCommerce has been developed by the BulkGate multichannel platform. It has all the functions and intuitive design that you can find in the BulkGate Portal. SMS Affiliate program Are you a programmer? Earn 5% commission on every SMS message your client sends via this SMS plugin or our other SMS integration, SMS APIs, Web Portal, or other SMS gateway solution. Helpdesk Discover all the documentation on our helpdesk. It gives you answers to all the questions you may have when using or installing the BulkGate SMS plugin for WooCommerce.


  1. Plugin upload You can:
  2. Search BulkGate SMS plugin for WooCommerce in the search engine available on Plugins -> Add New and press Install Now button
  3. Upload the woosms-sms-module-for-woocommerce folder to /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP
  4. Upload the full ZIP file via WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File
  5. Plugin activation
  6. Activate the plugin through Plugins menu on WordPress Administration Panel
  7. Service registration
  8. Fill in the registration form, verify your phone number and accept terms & conditions to successfully create a BulkGate account
  9. Language option
  10. Click "Settings" in the main menu. Choose your language and click Save See installation and user guide.


  • Creating SMS campaign
  • Admin SMS message template
  • Customer SMS message template
  • List of ongoing and finished SMS campaigns
  • Campaign dashboard statistics


Nothing here


Can I send SMS campaigns worldwide?

Yes. See our SMS price list to check the SMS price for your desired country.

Can I have two-way communication with a customer?

You can interact with your customers directly and receive their reactions through two-way SMS and Viber. You have to choose the correct sender ID type. However, two-way SMS may not be supported in some countries and/or by a specific sender ID type. See our SMS pricing.

Can I try the BulkGate plugin for free?

Yes, every new customer of this WooCommerce SMS plugin can send 10 SMS messages for free.

What are credits? Do they have an expiration date?

Credits are a virtual currency in the SMS plugin. Credits don’t have any expiration date. They disappear only when you spend them.

How do I create an SMS campaign?

It is simple, take a look at a video

How can I import contacts to my SMS campaign?

You can import contacts to your SMS campaign via CSV/Excel, vCard, enter numbers manually or via your WooCommerce store

Can I send a text message under my company's name?

Yes, in many countries you can use a text sender ID and send an SMS message under your company's name.

Do I have to create a BulkGate account during the installation to use the SMS plugin?

Yes. The SMS plugin for WooCommerce communicates with our BulkGate SMS gateway. So to send SMS messages via this WooCommerce SMS plugin, there is a need to have a BulkGate account.


3.0.6 3.0.5 3.0.4 3.0.3 3.0.2 3.0.1 3.0.0 2.1.0 2.0.33 2.0.32 2.0.31 2.0.30 2.0.29 2.0.28 2.0.27 2.0.26 2.0.25 2.0.24 2.0.23 2.0.22 2.0.21 2.0.20 2.0.19 2.0.18 2.0.17 2.0.16 2.0.15 2.0.14 2.0.13 2.0.12 2.0.11 2.0.10 2.0.9 2.0.8 2.0.7 2.0.6 2.0.5 2.0