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Word Switcher

开发者 bilalakil
更新时间 2017年12月21日 12:16
PHP版本: 3.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.1
版权: MIT


shortcode animation effects words loop transition word-switcher


0.1.0 0.1.1


This plugin facilitates the usage of this Word Switcher JavaScript tool: It creates a [word-switcher] shortcode where you can specify values for the tool's parameters and, of course, the words themselves, along with a fallback value to be displayed while the tool is being loaded or if it fails to load. When the page is loaded the fallback content will be replaced with a word switcher. Bring your own animations - it's as easy as adding a couple of lines of CSS in the Customizer. It also adds the wordSwitcher JavaScript function to the global scope so you can do whatever you like with it. Full usage example: Hello [word-switcher words="world, people, friends, everybody, mate" switchDelay="1000" random="true" animationDuration="null" className="hello-world-switcher"]world[/word-switcher] This can be accompanied by the following CSS (which you can insert straight into the Customizer) to simply fade the switching words in and out: .hello-world-switcher-enter-active, .hello-world-switcher-leave-active { transition: opacity 1s } .hello-world-switcher-enter, .hello-world-switcher-leave-to { opacity: 0 } Read the JavaScript tool's documentation for more information regarding the parameters and their default values, and how to use the animation classes (as inspired and imitated from the awesome Vue.js).


0.1.1 0.1.0