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开发者 knub
更新时间 2014年8月30日 04:40
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9
版权: MIT
版权网址: 版权信息


wikipedia linking semantic entity semantic web apache stanbol stanbol semantic lifting semantic enhancement ner named-entity-recognition


1.0 1.1


This plugin integrates some of Apache Stanbol's features into your WordPress blog. Video You can find video showcasing the plugin's features on Youtube. Features Problems? Feel free to contact me! I worked hard to make the current feature set stable, but as this is my first plugin chance is that something's still rough.


  1. Download plugin and copy to your plugin directory (usually this is /wp-content/plugins)
  2. Set up your Stanbol instance to have an enhancement engine with at least:
  3. One NER engine (tested with OpenNLP NER)
  4. DBpedia Linking
  5. DBpedia Dereferencing
  6. A language detection engine
  7. In case you want to recognize special entities, you probably need to add a training model to your Stanbol enhancement engines. The standard model works well for politicians, countries etc., but fails for sportspersons.
  8. Open config.php, define:
  9. STANBOL_INSTANCE to the correct HTTP endpoint (previously defined in step 2)
  10. GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY to your Google Maps API key (get one at Google's API console)
  11. Have a look at the other settings as well.
  12. Activate the plugin.


  • This shows the selected entities to auto-link and auto-tag (North Carolina and Barack Obama), the infobx with detailed information about Barack Obama, and the auto-created map, which currently displays New York, India, and some other state in the USA. Also note the tags on the right side, which have already been added.


1.1 Complete rename to Wordbol. No new features. 1.0