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WoW Armory Character

开发者 blueajcooper
更新时间 2014年11月18日 23:08
PHP版本: 3.5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPLv2


widget achievements wow world of warcraft character warcraft gear armory blizzard toon professions


0.9.4 0.9.5 0.9.6 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.1.1 0.9 0.9.1 0.9.2 0.9.3


This plugin displays World of Warcraft character profiles pulled from data made available by the WoW community API. It allows you to view a basic profile that shows your character information and picture. It can be easily configured to show the gear that you are wearing (with optional links to wowhead), your talents, professions, activity feed and recent achievements. To see a customised example of the plugin in action check it out on my wordpress blog. For an example of the plugin configured to show all the available information check out the screenshots tab. Known Issues


  1. Upload 'wow-armory-character' to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Ensure your webserver has write permissions to the /wp-content/plugins/wow-armory-character/cache directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. Configure a widget and add it to your site or use the [armory-character] shortcode.
Shortcode Use The shortcode can be added to any page or post and can be configured in an identical fashion to the widget. At a minimum you will need to specify the realm and character name for it to work - though this will assume that you wish to show all the details of character from the EU region in English. [armory-character realm="Terokkar" name="Grokknar"] The configuration parameters available to use are: Note: Certain locale choices are only available when selecting some regions. Available Filters For more capable/adventurous developers there are a number of hooks that allow you to change the way the plugin functions without altering its code. This means you get to upgrade in the future without worrying about breaking any changes you may have made. wow-armory-character-template\ Allows you to specify an alternate template file to use to display your profile. Defaults to view-wow-armory-character.php function my_function_name($file_path) { // e.g. return realpath(FILE) . '/view-wow-armory-character.php' return "THE_PATH_TO_YOUR_TEMPLATE_FILE"; } add_filter('wow-armory-character-template','my_function_name'); wow-armory-character-display\ Your profile once the template has been processed. It may be quicker to alter the display at runtime rather than duplicate the template when making only minor changes. As well as the output that will be displayed the Character data as retireved from the Community API is also passed. This should allow you to make any changes you need. function my_function_name($output, $character_data) { // Do something to the $output, perhaps using the $character_data return $output; } add_filter('wow-armory-character-display','my_function_name'); wow-armory-character-css Allows you to specify an alternate stylesheet. This is the replacement for the tickbox provided in the administration screen. You should now consider that option as deprecated and it will be removed in a future release. The rationale behind this is that if you're overriding the css completely you will have access to your theme to be able to add this hook. function my_function_name($file_path) { // e.g. return realpath(FILE) . '/wowcss.css' return "THE_PATH_TO_YOUR_CSS_FILE"; } add_filter('wow-armory-character-css','my_function_name');


  • The default widget output
  • The widget configuration screen.


0.9.7 Your activity feed can now be shown - complete with icons - just like your armory page. Please resave your widget settings afterwards to ensure they work. 0.9.6 This update makes changes to how the talents are displayed due to the changes to talents in 5.0.4 0.9.5 Profession information can now be show as a number of badges and new global settings have been introduced to help with theming. 0.9.4 You can now show your characters achievements. For easier theming you can now specify your own template file to render the profile. 0.9.3 Prior to this version the plugin was non-functional on anything less then PHP 5.3. If your running 5.2 then it should now work. 0.9.1 Numerous bug fixes plus the addition of support for the KR and TW regions.


The plugin is displaying old information. How do I update it?

The plugin will cache the characters it retrieves from the community API for 12 hours. This ensures that your website will make no more then 2 requests per character in any 24 hour period. In order to force your character display to update you are able to clear the cache.

  1. Navigate to the Armory Character section within the Settings area of your wordpress admin area.
  2. Tick the checkbox next to the character you wish to refresh and click the Clear selected cache items button.
When you next look at your character fresh information will be pulled from the community API. It may be that the community API is returning old information, in this case you will need to wait until your armory page is updated.

How do I change the styling of the character display

There are two ways you can do this. You can use a pure CSS based approach or alter the html output using either of the two display filters that have been made available. To use the filters please create the necessary function (perhaps in your template.php file) and alter the html as you see fit. You can either alter the html after it has been created or you can override the template that produces the output. The CSS can be overridden by using the global setting 'Add plugin css to the page'. Unticking this box will allow you to provide your own CSS as part of your theme. NOTE This option is now deprecated. It will be replaced in a future release by the filter documented in the installation tab. For simple edits I suggest you add the necessary tweaks to your themes CSS and keep the basic styling the plugin provides.


1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.0 0.9.6 0.9.5 0.9.4 0.9.3 0.9.2 0.9.1 0.9