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WP Accessibility

开发者 joedolson
更新时间 2025年2月13日 01:53
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later


a11y accessibility wcag section508 alt text


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This plug-in helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes. While most accessibility issues can't be addressed without directly changing your theme, WP Accessibility adds a number of helpful accessibility features with a minimum amount of setup or expert knowledge. WP Accessibility is not intended to make your site compatible with any accessibility guidelines. All features can be disabled according to your theme's needs. For advanced users, all of the functions based on modifying stylesheets can be customized using your own custom styles by placing the appropriate stylesheet in your theme directory. Theme Accessibility Features added by WP Accessibility These are features that address issues caused by inaccessible themes. WordPress Core Accessibility Issues fixed by WP Accessibility These are features that address issues caused by current or past WordPress core accessibility issues. (Issues added in content, such as target or title attributes, are persistent even when WordPress is updated.) Content specific fixes: Accessibility Tools in WP Accessibility: These are tools provided to help you identify issues you may need to fix. Learn more! Read about the accessibility issues corrected by WP Accessibility! The plug-in is intended to help with deficiencies commonly found in themes and to solve some issues in WordPress core. It can't correct every problem (by a long shot), but provides tools to fix some issues, supplement the accessibility of your site, or identify problems. Statistics Collection WP Accessibility includes a statistics collection feature to help you identify how WP Accessibility is used on your site. This package does not collect any personally identifying data. Learn more about WP Accessibility statistics. Contribute!


  1. Download the plugin's zip file, extract the contents, and upload them to your wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. Login to your WordPress dashboard, click "Plugins", and activate WP Accessibility.
  3. Customise your settings on the Settings > WP Accessibility page.


  • 2.1.6 Security Fix. Please update promptly.


WP Accessibility is inserting some information via javascript. Is this really accessible?

Yes. It does require that the user is operating a device that has javascript support, but that encompasses the vast majority of devices and browsers today, including screen readers.

I installed WP Accessibility and ran some tests, but I'm still getting errors WP Accessibility is supposed to correct.

Even if WP Accessibility is running correctly, not all accessibility testing tools will be aware of the fixes. Here's a resource for more information: Mother Effing Tool Confuser.


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