Forget the walker and create powerful navigations with a real theme system.
WP:AM is a new way to quickly create a powerful, modern and personalized navigation menu for your website.
You can create WP:AM themes for your menus in the same way as you create WordPress themes for your websites.
This plugin is intended for developers. It is still a phase of experimentation.
This side-project is still in development, but you already have features bellow integrated into the plugin.
- Theme
-- Child Theme
Create child themes by defining a theme as a template. If you need a higher level, you can also define another theme as grand parent: origin.
-- Library
Load your themes (or those of others) from a WordPress theme or plugin. Create your own library, reuse and improve your menus from project to project.
-- Override
Quickly personalize an existing theme with the override system. Copy an item and customize it. That’s it.
- Item
-- Hierarchy
Catch an item easily with the hierarchy template system for post type, taxonomy, archive and custom items.
-- Types
Each menu item now has a type to help you create more advanced menus. WP:AM also offers new types of elements such as the image type or the Gutenberg block.
- Panel
-- Breakpoints
No need to rework your css files, you can now adjust your breakponts directly in the back office.
-- Options
Add your theme options to the back office and configure your menu according to the needs of the current project.
- Misc
-- ACF
WP:AM is built on ACF. So use your favorite fields and build your ideas :)
-- Hooks
WP:AM likes hooks and is starting to create new ones to make life easier for developers.
-- Cache
WP:AM is compatible with cache plugins. Your stylesheets will be properly supported.
-- Translation
WP:AM is translation ready. Fortunately :P
A draft
documentation is available (and almost up to date)