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WP Alert Bar

开发者 braceomatic88
更新时间 2025年1月14日 09:17
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


notification bar notice notification message alert sticky header hello bar floating bar attention bar alert bar offer bar


1.0.2 1.0.4 1.0 1.0.1


WP Alert Bar allows you to quickly and easily add an alert bar to your WordPress website. All content and styles are fully customizable through the WordPress Customizer, allowing you to easily match the alert bar to your sites branding with no coding necessary, and with real time preview you can see what you're doing before publishing. WP Alert Bar also gives you the ability modify the way the alert bar displays with options to have the alert bar appear across your entire site or just the homepage, or include a close button. This gives you the power to use WP Alert Bar in a way that best fits your message. WP Alert Bar also applies unique classes to the body tag and all elements of the alert bar making it easy for developers to further modify the styles to fit the needs of your WordPress website.


  • Sub sections in customizer for Styles, Content, and Display
  • Styles section to customize colors and font size. Options are editable from the customizer with real time preview
  • Content section to add custom messaging and call to action. Options are editable from the customizer with real time preview
  • Display section to customize where the alert displays on your site. Options are editable from the customizer with real time preview


My WordPress site has a sticky header that uses position fixed causing it to cover the WP Alert Bar, how can I fix this?

WP Alert Bar comes with a filter that allows you to define your sites fixed header so that it can account for the alert bar. Simply navigate to the functions.php file in your child theme and paste in the following code snippet, making sure to replace .site-header with the class or ID of your sites fixed position header. // Define fixed header for WP Alert Bar add_filter( 'mbwpab_fixed_header_selector', 'mbwpab_define_fixed_header' ); function mbwpab_define_fixed_header( $header ) { $header = '.site-header'; return $header; }


1.0.4 Release Date - Jan 13 2025 1.0.3 Release Date - April 4 2023 1.0.2 Release Date - May 10 2021 1.0.1 Release Date - Jun 12 2020 1.0.0 Release Date - May 31 2020