Linux 软件免费装


开发者 Marcelismus
更新时间 2025年2月21日 01:52
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


apps app store google play appbox microsoft store


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With WP-Appbox you can add beautiful mobile app badges to your WordPress posts and pages simply by adding a shortcode. WP-Appbox supports the following app stores: Apps & Software: Usage of the shortcode All stores are integrated in a short code and can be inserted via button in the WordPress editor. The structure of the short code is always the following: [appbox storename app-id style] The order does not matter - as long as "appbox" is on the front. The blind names are: amazonapps, appstore, chromewebstore, fdroid, firefoxaddon, firefoxmarketplace, goodoldgames, googleplay, operaaddons, steam, windowsstore and wordpress. How to get the ID of the corresponding apps is illustrated in the settings for WP-Appbox. The default format is "simple", alternatively there is also an ad with "compact", "screenshots" and "screenshots-only". There is another special feature for the App Store: With Universal Apps you can decide whether you want to get screenshots of the iPhone, iPad and the Watch App, or for example only of the iPhone, only of the iPad or only of the Watch App. All you need to do is simply attach a "-iphone", "-ipad" or "-watch" to the ID of the app. Example: 392502056-ipad. By the way, the special feature is also available for the Windows Store: Here, too, only the mobile screenshots or those of the desktop version can be displayed. All you have to do is attach a "-mobile" or "-desktop" to the App-ID. Example: 392502056-mobile. Further Features Requirements 技术支持 Support requests and problems should ideally be reported directly on the Blog or even better via Mastodon. I can't promise a quick solution for every problem, but I try to solve every problem. ;-) Author Logo The logo of the WP-Appbox comes from Till, to whom I am deeply indebted. \o/


  • App badge with screenshots
  • App badge "compact"
  • Post editor with buttons
  • WP-Appbox settings: "About"
  • WP-Appbox settings: "Output"
  • WP-Appbox settings: "Cache"
  • WP-Appbox settings: "Affiliate"
  • WP-Appbox settings: "Buttons"
  • WP-Appbox settings: Customized store URLs
  • WP-Appbox settings: "Advanced"
  • WP-Appbox settings: "Help"
  • Download und unpack the package
  • Upload the plugin folder to "/wp-content/plugins/
  • Activate the plugin in WordPress


Which server requirements are necessary?

The server must run at least PHP 5.3 and support cURL and mb_eregi.

Can the output of the box be adapted to the theme design?

Yes, all elements of the WP-Appbox can be customized via CSS. It is also possible to deactivate the CSS stylesheet of the plugin in the settings. In addition, you can create your own templates for the output (see below).

How can I create my own templates?

You can simply copy the existing standard templates (folder "tpl") into your theme folder. The files can be given the following names:

  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox-simple.php
  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox-compact.php
  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox-screenshots.php
  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox-screenshots-only.php
Or just put the templates inside a folder called "wp-appbox" and keep the original names:
  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox/simple.php
  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox/compact.php
  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox/screenshots.php
  • your-theme-folder/wpappbox/screenshots-only.php
In the user-defined template files, the output can be adjusted to any desired value. The available variables can be found in the original files. ;-)

Are AMP plugins supported?

Basically, yes. However, the CSS of the WP-Appbox has to be implemented manually into your AMP page. How this works depends on your plugin.

How is the QR code generated?

After Google discontinued its Charts API several years ago and has now finally switched it off, the API from is used to generate the QR codes.

The Chrome Web Store only displays the first screenshot

Unfortunately Google only loads the first screenshot into the HTML output of the Chrome Web Store, all other screenshots are dynamically reloaded. Therefore the output of several screenshots via WP-Appbox is not possible at the moment.

Is WP-Appbox compliant with DSGVO?

Basically: yes. But it depends on the settings. The plugin itself does not store any user data. However, external images from Apple, Google, Amazon and Co. are integrated. Depending on the interpretation of the DSGVO, this is problematic. If you don't want to supplement your data protection information, you can use two possible options:

  • Activate the image proxy, which embeds external images in the WP appbox using its own URL. However, this can impair performance, especially with a large number of page calls.
  • Activate the image cache. All images are stored on your own server. This variant is always recommended, because it improves performance and the images are still displayed even if the app is no longer available in the respective store. ;-)

Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0

The Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0 is used for Android apps and Alexa Skills from Amazon. Own access is required for use, more information can be found here. The PA API 5.0 information can be entered in the "advanced settings" tab of WP-Appbox. Please note that no exact error checking can be done and depending on the access level, the queries can be exhausted quickly. Currently experimental.

Is the Gutenberg editor supported?

A first implementation is available. However, this is experimental in nature and is not officially supported. With WordPress 6.2 there are problems with the block, but so far I have not found a solution. Classic Editor is therefore recommended ;)


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