Hey there!
Do you have blogger-brain? We do. We think a lot about our content. We wonder how well it’s doing, what our readers have to say, is it good enough. But, instead of struggling with analytics, we wanted a simple way of tracking our content’s performance. And what better way to do that then a simple, social-media-like feature to get the job done!
Lo, and behold, - the WordPress Applaud plugin -
WP Applaud
Our simple plugin adds a cool “clap” feature on your WordPress blog. (Just like Medium)
For every article, a reader can
clap to show their appreciation towards the post. The more the claps, the more they like a post. Think of it as an upvote, a like, or a heart, shown —simply, elegantly, and professionally— as a clap.
Make your blog more interactive, get instant feedback about your posts, with the awesome WP Applaud plugin.
- The plugin adds an applaud functionality to your website (similar to Medium)
- The applaud option can be added to a “post”, “page” or archive page
- A user can applaud multiple times
- The applaud count is tracked using cookies
- Data is stored instantly without reload using AJAX
- You could add a custom title to the applaud action
- You can use the plugin with custom templates
- The plugin offers a widget that lists most applauded posts
The WP Applaud plugin installs and activates like any other WordPress plugin
- Upload
to the /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress