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WP Author's Tweets

开发者 crearecomm
更新时间 2011年7月24日 02:31
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


twitter twitter feed follow me



WP Author's Tweets allows you to add your Twitter username to individual author profile pages along with a feed count, which enables you to echo out a 'follow me' button and twitter feed on your blog posts, dynamically for each author. Support | FAQ WP Author's Tweets allows you to add your Twitter username to individual author profile pages along with a feed count, which enables you to echo out a 'follow me' button and twitter feed on your blog posts, dynamically for each author. You can also set a default twitter username and feed count, which will overwrite any empty author fields. This is useful if some of your blog author's don't have twitter profiles, or if you want to only show your companies twitter feed and follow me button. To start you need to enter your username and feed count, then on your single.php echo out the following code: <?php echo get_followme(); ?> <?php echo getLatestTweetWP(); ?> WP Author's Tweets updates? We are currently working to improve WP Author's Tweets. The next release will feature the ability to wrap the twitter feed in custom HTML to take styling to the next level. If upgrading, please back up your database first!


Please visit the WP Author's Tweets plugin page on Web Design Creare for installation details.


0.2 This minor update links up hashtags to Twitter search and adds classes to content and tweeted <p> tags. 0.1 This version allows you to customise the latest tweet feed slightly more and wraps it in more symantec code. If upgrading, please back up your database first!


0.2 0.1