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WP Contact Form 7 DB Handler

开发者 yudiz

更新时间 2023年11月20日 17:06
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.8.2
版权: GPLv2 or later


contact form 7 contact form 7 db contact form db contact form 7 database contact form seven contact form 7 dbh contact form 7 db handler cf7dbh




WP Contact Form 7 DB Handler plugin developed by Yudiz Solutions Pvt Ltd. helps you to handle contact form 7 submissions. Features
  1. Listing as per contact forms created.
  2. Unread and Read submission count for contact forms.
  3. Listing for successful form submissions.
  4. Filter by date range and search.
  5. Show/hide fields for listing view. Can save the view to the database for preferred settings.
  6. Export as CSV How to use this plugin?
Follow the below steps:
  1. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. After successful activation, you will see "Contact Forms DBH" in the admin menu.
  3. The main page shows created forms. Can sort according to the number of submissions( Total count ) OR post date( default ).
  4. By clicking on the name will redirect you to its submissions.
  5. By clicking on the View column button will show columns (contact form fields) where you can hide columns with click on the name of the column. Can rename the name in the textbox right next to the column name. These names will apply while exporting it to CSV.
  6. In view column name you can see 2 options where "Apply and show" which will not store changes in DB while the "Save Changes" option will store your changes in DB so that it will be saved as preferred settings and while exporting it to CSV.
  7. You can also filter records according to date. where you can select the start date ( From ) and end date ( To ).
  8. Clicking on the record will show the details including file attachments which will open in the new tab.
  9. The uploded images and file while submitting form is stored in folder /wp-content/uploads/ys_cfdbh_uploads .
The idea behind the development of the plugin: To store submissions of contact form with many filters, exporting it to CSV thus saving time. Hope you find this plugin useful. Contact us if you want to develop such custom wordpress plugin.


  1. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. After successful activation, You just need to click on Contact Form DB Handler.
  3. You are good to go now.


Can I change the label of columns?

Yes, you can do it by click on the button name view column opens a model where you can type new names of columns beside that column name.

Can I hide the columns which unnecessary to show?

Yes, sure you can by click on the button name view column opens a model where you can click on the column name (which has eye icon besides it) which you want to hide and same for to unhide it.

Can sort data and hide columns will also be applied when CSV export?

Yes, the date sort and hide columns will also be applied when export CSV file.


1.2 Bug Fixing 1.1 Initial release