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WP Contest

开发者 andsonsdesign
更新时间 2018年9月29日 02:37
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


contest vote voting photo contest judging



Grow and monetize your contest! WP Contest is a flexible plugin that allows you to run your contest from your Wordpress site. Setup is simple. After installing the plugin create your first contest, complete the contest settings and invite contestants to submit! Your judges can also login to view and vote. [vimeo] Watch Video : Top Features : Pro Features include all the above, plus:


Installing WP Contest is simple! Install through the WP Plugin Repository and activate, or upload via FTP. FTP Instructions :
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-contest directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the WP Contest->General Settings page to configure the plugin


  • Pro Feature : Entries can be multiple file types, or links
  • Customizable entry form; allow contestants to submit multiple entries
  • Flexible Contest Settings
  • Pro Feature : Charge for entries
  • Customizable Voting Criteria
  • Shortcodes!
  • Mark Winners, and send them a notification
  • Add entry search to any page
  • Pro Feature : Entries can be multiple file types, or links
  • Customizable entry form; allow contestants to submit multiple entries
  • Flexible Contest Settings
  • Pro Feature : Charge for entries


None at this time, this is version 1.0.


Do I need a developer to help setup this plugin?

No, as long as you know how to create pages and use shortcodes on your WordPress site you are ready to go.

Do you provide instructions on how to setup this plugin?

Yes, you can access our documentation anytime. It includes step by step instructions on how to install, setup and run your contest – and there’s video!

How do I create the contest pages?

Add the plugin’s shortcodes to your pages. If you’re running multiple programs you can include the contest’s ID in the plugin as well.

How many contests can I run?

In the free version you can only run 1 contest at a time. Pro users can run unlimited contests.

What kind of contest can I run?

WP CONTEST is very flexible. Contestants can upload files or link to their entries and voting criteria is totally customizable – allowing you to run any sort of contest as long as the entry can be uploaded or linked to. Some examples are photography, writing samples, short films, web design, graphic design, science experiments, joke telling, magic tricks …

Do I have to charge contestants to enter my contest?

No, Pro users can choose to either run free or paid contests. The free plugin does not include the option to charge contestants.

How do contestants pay for their entries?

Currently contestants can only pay via PayPal. You will need a PayPal account in order to charge for entries. While you are testing your contest you can also use a PayPal Sandbox app.

Who can vote?

You can either invite contestants, or allow contestants to register themselves. You can either require contestants to register as a “contestant” user type (automatically created when you install the plugin) or allow any logged in user to submit entries.

What is an elimination round?

The Pro version of the plugin allows you to run elimination and/or voting rounds. Elimination rounds allow judges to eliminate entries with a simple “No” vote. You can set the minimum number of “No” votes an entry must have to be eliminated. You can either stop there, or then start a voting round with customizable criteria on a 1-10 scale.

Am I able to limit the number of entries that can be submitted to a contest?

Yes, you can set a limit on the number of entries for a contest.


None at this time, this is version 1.0.