Allows you to insert the latest deals from in your sidebar.
Easily earn money by joining the DealPixel affiliate network and driving traffic to! Make 25% off of each sale. A lot better than amazon, ebay, google ads, or most other affiliate networks. Find out more
A few of the features:
- Choose how many deals to show
- Hides the affiliate link
More about is a daily deal site for creative and web professionals. They offer huge discounts on things like icons, wordpress themes, stock images, online courses, and more. They also have a very generous affiliate program where they pay 25%.
WP DealPixel Ads is installed like any other Wordpress plugin.
- Download the latest package from the downloads page (
- Upload the whole directory into your wordpress plugins directory (usually, yoursite/wp-content/plugins). The plugin must reside in a sub-folder called "wp-dealpixel-ads" (lower-case!) as supplied in the zip file, else it WON�T WORK
- Go into the Wordpress admin panel, find Plugins and WP DealPixel Ads should be listed. Click Activate to activate!
Using WP DealPixel Ads
- Go to your theme widgets and find the WP DealPixel Ads widget and place it.
- Configure the settings in the options panel.