WP Delicious Sidebar Widget that will display your most recent
del.icio.us bookmarks in your blog in any of your sidebar locations.
WP Sidebar for Delicious, shows your latest Delicious bookmarks as a sidebar widget in your WordPress blog.
This is a very easy to use widget. Simply install and add your Delicious user name and choose a few
options and you will be able to display your most recent bookmarks for all your blog visitors to see.
Easy to install and easy to use. You can choose to show active links or not, you can also choose how
many bookmarks you would like to display at a time.
Please notify us if you find any bugs or issues with this widget as we are always trying to make
sure we provide the best applications and tools for this online.
* Simple to use
* Easy to install
* Customizable
* Support available
* Uses Wordpress resources (no extra files needed)
* Option to detects URLs, e-mail addresses and replies
* Displays bookmarks tags (optional)
* Filter bookmarks by tag(s) (optional)
Once you have installed the sidebar widget you need to go to your widgets section of your blog and simply drag and drop the sidebar widget into the sidebar you wish to have it displayed in. Click the arrow to set your options and configure your Delicious settings and you should be go to go.
See the
Web Design Company that developed this for further information.
Developer documentation is also available for those who need instructions on how to make modifications.
Either use your install option in the administration section of your WordPress blog or unzip
the files and drag and drop the entire folder wp-delicious-sidebar into your plugins folder using your favorite ftp software.
If you need help installing this please visit us online at
Support and use contact us for support or help.
- A change since the previous version.
- Changes where made to the local css data to make the plugin more friendly with the users existing css allowing the extension
to look and take the style of the users website
- Updates where also made to fix a small complaint of people claiming once the plugin was loaded
the could not find it in the widget section in the admin area. This was due to a small line change
in the existing php.
Updated the delicious API