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WP Design Awards

开发者 Konstantinos_Tsatsarounos
更新时间 2014年4月17日 03:44
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


Gallery Design Contest



This is the the free version of wordpress plugin, WP Design Awards. Creates the functionality for a web design contest. Adds two shortcodes: The css_gallery shortcode for displaying the sites gallery! [css_gallery category_slug= sites_per_page=9 no_pagination=false] And the nominee_form for the users to submit their own creations. [nominee_form] Demos: Demo 1 Demo 2 Features: Premium version For more info and support visit:


  1. Download, install and Activate the plugin
  2. Create Categories
You must create some categories for the wp design awards, custom post type!The most often is: gallery (for general category), nominees and winners for subcategories in gallery! But after all is your choice! Just go to Design awards, click to the Participants taxonomy, and create few categories! You can choose the default categoy in design awards settings page
  1. Go to the settings page and make your own adjustments and save them. Before exiting the settings page, for safety, check if your adjustments saved well, if no, correct them and click again save! Is very important to have correct settings!
  2. Setting up pages: Of course you can use the shortcodes in posts, your convenience is the very reason for the creation of shortcodes. However is much more convenient to use these shortcodes in pages for easy access!
CSS GALLERY SHORTCODE For displaying the gallery of a category, you must add a new page/post with the proper shorcode. Add a new page or post and type of copy/page (personally, i have saved the shortcodes as snippets. You don’t need to remember them!): [css_gallery category_slug=your_category_of_choice_slug] For example: [css_gallery category_slug=winners] This is the simple version of this shortcode, there are some additional attributes: sites_per_page (default 9 post per page) no_pagination, accepts values true or false and if true it disables the pagination! The default is false. NOMINEE FORM SHORTCODE This is a simple one, you just add a page or post, use the shortcode [nominee_form] and save! So simple! WARNING: THE PLUGINS FOLDER MUST BE NAMED "design_awards" Also, there is a video! It explains the installation. However is for the premium version! Some things will be a little different!


  • All posts view
  • Create and edit post view
  • Gallery
  • Nominee form
  • Settings


A question that someone might have

How can i change rating image?

At first the image must be transparent in the middle in order to display the colors and 23x20 pixels. You can find the current images in js/stars folder. Create and image and put it inside this folder to be consistant. After this, go to the functions.php in files directory and locate the line 72 or the first statementa in enqueue_scripts function. Change the name of the image!

How can i change the colors?

You can change the colors from enqueue_scripts function in files/functions.php under the line 66!

How can i change the number of the stars and max rate?

Go to js/rating.js folder, under line 26, you can find this paramentres and change them as you wish.