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WP Exporter Plus

开发者 galaxyweblinks
更新时间 2024年7月23日 16:38
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


export products exporter export users csv exporter orders exporter


1.0 3.2 3.3 2.0 3.0


This plugin provides functionality to export posts, users, products, orders, top 10 selling products data in CSV. Dashboard has the widget to show the top 10 most selling products in the dashboard widget. User can also export these products from the dashboard widget. Display a listing of top selling products using the [wpepcsv_top_selling_pro] shortcode on any page, post. Display Product Attributes: limit – The number of products to display. Defaults to 10 when listing products, and -1 (display all) products listing. EX. [wpepcsv_top_selling_pro limit="-1"] Export to CSV option will be shown on bulk action dropdown to export the data. For any Feedback and Queries please contact at


  1. Download the plugin WP Exporter Plus from the WordPress Plugins Repository
  2. Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • Products Export
  • Users Export


3.3 Stable Release 3.2 Stable Release 3.1 Third Stable Release 3.0 Third Stable Release. 2.0 Second Stable Release. 1.0 First Stable Release.


How to Display all top selling products?

If you need to display all top selling products on any page / post, use the shortcode as [wpepcsv_top_selling_pro limit="-1"]

How to Export Users?

To export users, Go to Users. Under Bulk action you will find an option "Export to CSV" to export all selected users.


3.3 Stable Release 3.2 Stable Release 3.1 Third Stable Release 3.0 Third Stable Release 2.0 Second Stable Release 1.0 First Stable Release