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WP Floating Menu Framework

开发者 Kimiya Kitani
更新时间 2014年9月20日 08:59
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0


framework floating menu


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2


The plugin is the framework for setting up the floating menu in WordPress. I tested up the following themes, but I don't engage the perfect work because I'm not designer. Please fixing the codes in each JavaScript file or the theme for your environment.


First of all, please install this plugin and activate it. Then, please select JavaScript(JS) file from the setting menu "Floating Setting Menu" in the setting. If you want to customize the JS file, please copy the template file in [plugin folder]/js/templates folder or [theme folder]/js/[plugin name]/ folder to js folder and rename it. Then, please select JS file from the setting menu "Floating Setting Menu" in the setting. Then, fixed the JS file for your WordPress environment (name, page, adminbar values). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE backup the customizing files!!! Now, when the plugin is updated, the customizing files will be deleted. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can put a JS file for the floating menu. Plugin folder/js Theme folder/js/wp-floating-menu-framework/ Usage Basically, please find out or set up "id" for the page and the floating menu. ex. If you would like to apply the floating menu to the global navigation bar in Twenty Thirteen theme, Please set up the following values in floating-menu.js. So, when you use this plugin, you need to set up three id. For example, In case of setting up the following value, the HTML should be the following composition. <body> <div id="page"> ... <div id="navigation-bar"> ..... ..... </div> ... </div> </body>


Cannot work on Twenty Ten

Ummm, I cannot understand the Twenty Ten's layout... Now, this plugin cannot work this theme.


1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0