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WP FullCalendar

开发者 netweblogic
更新时间 2025年2月22日 00:46
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2


calendar events calendar calendars ajax calendar event calendars


1.5 0.8 1.4 0.8.1 0.8.2 0.8.3 0.8.4 0.9 0.9.1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3.1 1.4.1 1.6 0.7


FullCalendar is a free open source jQuery plugin by Adam Arshaw which generates a stunning calendar populated with your events. This plugin combines the power of FullCalendar 3.x and WordPress to present your posts or any other custom post type in a calendar format, which can be filtered by custom taxonomies such as categories and tags. Demo - See it in action 产品特点 鸣谢 Roadmap Here's a rough roadmap of where we're heading, and will be ammended as time permits


Install this plugin like a normal WordPress plugin. Once activated, you'll see a new panel in the Settings section for editing the options for calendar display.


1.6 1.5 1.4.1 1.4 1.3.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9.1 0.9 0.8.4 0.8.3 0.8.2 0.8.1 0.8 0.7 0.6.1 0.6 0.1 - 0.5