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WP Giveaways

开发者 zoranc
更新时间 2014年4月26日 11:45
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9
版权: GPLv2


subscription system program sweepstakes gift sweepstake giveaway giveaways prize lottery raffle encourage subscriptions




Encourage subscriptions to your site/newsletters with a giveaway/sweepstakes program. Features:


Installation procedure and the documentation for this plugin is hosted on the official WP Giveaways forum.


  • Giveaway Options


Integration with MailPoet?

This comes as a premium addon. You can get it here

Integration with AWeber?

Coming soon as a premium extension.

I can't see the WP Giveaways anywhere in my dashboard?

This can be an issue if there are a few plugins competing for the menu position. You can change the menu position by Editing wp-content/plugins/wp-giveaways/includes/custom-post-type-giveaways.php look for the following line (LINE 41): 'menu_position' => 28, and try changing 28 to 27, 26 ... until the Giveaways menu item appears

How does the scheduling with WP Cron work?

All the giveaways are checked twice daily to determine if a draw is due and whether a winner should be picked and emailed. WP Cron gets triggered only when a visitor browses your site so if your website has low traffic, this may be an issue that would require a workaround as the draw would occur only when someone visits your site after the draw date is scheduled to occur. For really high traffic sites wp cron might have been disabled to improve performance. In both of these cases, there are available workarounds. I suggest reading a free, in depth tutorial at tutsplus If you are still not too sure on how to achieve this, I am available for contract work. You can contact me here

How can I check all the scheduled crons?

You can download this free wordpress plugin by Simon Wheatley - Cron GUI

What are the available Filter Hooks?

You can find the list of available filter hooks here. I will expand on each hook and provide relative examples in the future. For documantation, support questions, feedback and ideas, please use the official WP Giveaways forum.


1.0.1 bugfix: prevent Giveaway history custom field from being overwritten when saving giveaway post 1.0.0 Initial Release