Linux 软件免费装


开发者 sdenike
更新时间 2012年2月13日 04:54
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.3


rss atom social facebook flickr twitter youtube delicious digg Google Plus lifestream friendfeed instapaper pictmobi miniblogging


1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4


Lifestream displays your social feeds and photos much like you would see it on many of the social networking sites.


Upload the plugin into /wp-content/plugins/. You should end up with /wp-content/plugins/lifestream/. Activate the plugin under the "Plugins" menu. Visit "Lifestream" -> "Settings" to configure the basic options, and add feeds. There are severals methods in which you can use Lifestream in a WordPress page. The easiest way is to use the normal context handler (works in pages and posts): [lifestream] Another method requires a custom WordPress page, or the use of a template, and is a simple function call: <?php lifestream(); ?> You may also specify several parameters in the lifestream method (useful for sidebar display). These should be in the standard key=>value format for PHP calls. For example: [lifestream limit="10"] For more advanced uses, you may directly use get_events() which will return an array of Event instances. This is the same syntax as the lifestream() method. Example: `` Another popular example, would to be show your current Twitter, or Facebook status somewhere in your templates: `$events = $lifestream->get_events(array('feed_types'=>array('twitter'), 'number_of_results'=>1, 'break_groups'=>true); $event = $events[0]; // to render it with links echo $event->feed->render_item($event, $event->data); // or render just the text echo $event->data['title'];` Or, use our handy shortcuts: <?php lifestream_twitter_status(); ?> And <?php lifestream_facebook_status(); ?>


1.1.2 1.1.1 1.1 1.0