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WP LinkedIn

开发者 cvedovini
更新时间 2019年2月17日 12:57
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.0
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


profile linkedin recommendations resume network updates


1.11.1 1.18.1 1.3.8 1.6 2.2.1 2.3 2.6.1 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.1.0 1.10 1.11 1.11.2 1.12 1.12.1 1.12.2 1.13 1.13.1 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.17.1 1.17.2 1.18 1.18.2 1.18.3 1.19 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0.1 2.0.2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3.2 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9


ATTENTION: following breaking changes in the LinkedIn API this plugin won't be functional anymore after March 1st. More information here This plugin provides you with shortcodes to insert your LinkedIn profile and a rotating scroller of your LinkedIn recommendations in any Wordpress page or post. Please check for examples. The following shortcodes are available: To customize the rendering of the shortcodes you must create a linkedin folder in your theme or in the wp-content folder and then copy the template file you want to modify. The default template files are located in the plugin's templates folder. You can override the [li_profile] shortcode's template by specifying the template code enclosed in the shortcode itself, for example [li_profile]Hello M. {last-name}, how's your work at {positions:values:0:company:name}?[/li_profile] will render something like Hello M. Smith, how's your work at ACME Company?. See this post for more details on customization: Showing more of your LinkedIn profile with WP LinkedIn There are also several widgets. One widget displays the recommendations scroller, one displays your network updates, and two widgets show a "profile card" - one of which is the standard LinkedIn JavaScript profile widget, the other uses a customizable template. We welcome volunteers to translate that plugin into more languages. If you wish to help then contact @cvedovini on Twitter or use that contact form. Please check the WP LinkedIn Multi-Users extension if you need to show the profiles of multiple users. And if you need to show company profiles or company updates, please check the WP LinkedIn for Companies extension. Also available is the WP LinkedIn Advanced Templates extension that provides extended profile templates (including most of the profile sections) and a more sophisticated template for company page updates. And if you want to save money then there's the WP LinkedIn Extensions Bundle which includes all the extensions for a reduced price.


This plugin follows the standard WordPress installation method:
  1. Upload the wp-linkedin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件
  3. Create a LinkedIn API key/secret pair and register the redirect URI (follow the instructions on the settings page)
  4. Generate an access token for the LinkedIn API (those tokens expire after 60 days so you will have to regenerate them from time to time)
  5. The Profile fields field is the list of fields that will be available to the profile template for rendering - see this post for more details on customization: Showing more of your LinkedIn profile with WP LinkedIn


  • The recommendation shortcode in action (note that the CSS is customized in that example).
  • Full page using the profile shortcode and displaying the LinkedIn full profile.
  • LinkedIn profile card added after a post content.


2.0 BREAKING CHANGE Following the modifications to the LinkedIn developer program, version 2.0 of this plugin introduce breaking changes. More information on 1.6 BREAKING CHANGE Starting with version 1.6 the call to add the javascript for the recommendations slider to the page as been moved to the recommendations.php template. If you customized that template you must add the following line to the top of your custom template: wp_enqueue_script('responsive-scrollable'); 1.18 BREAKING CHANGE The redirect uri that is used to process the OAuth access token has changed in this version. You must update the redirect urls setting in you LinkedIn API Application details. See the plugin settings page, API access section, for more. 1.14 As of April 11, 2014 LinkedIn requires that redirect uris be registered, thus forcing every plugin installation to have its own application key/secret pair and register the corresponding redirect uri. Follow the instructions on the plugin settings page.


I get this error when I refresh my access token: Error message: Your application has not been authorized for the scope \\"r_fullprofile\\" (invalid_scope)`

Uncheck the “full profile” checkbox in the options then try again. Since May 12, 2015, you need to be a LinkedIn partner and be granted full access to your profile to see more than the basic profile fields. See this article for more information

How can I see my full profile

Since May 12, 2015, you need to be a LinkedIn partner and be granted full access to your profile to see more than the basic profile fields. See this article for more information

The recommendations widget and shortcode are not working

Since May 12, 2015, the recommendations are only accessible if you have full access to your profile. See this article for more information

The updates shortcode (or the updates widget) doesn't show anything

Since May 12, 2015 the LinkedIn API doesn't allow access to profile updates anymore. The shortcode and widget are not functional anymore. See this article for more information

Does the plugin support multiple user profiles?

No, it doesn't. But there is a premiun extension, WP LinkedIn Multi-Users that changes the behavior of this plugin so that shortcodes and widgets show the data of the author of the post or page.

Does the plugin support company profiles?

No, it doesn't. But there is a premiun extension, WP LinkedIn for Companies that provides shortcodes and widgets for company profiles and company updates.

How to add the volunteer experiences section from my profile?

The volunteer experiences section is in the templates provided by the premium extension WP LinkedIn Advanced Templates but is not activated by default. To activate it you must add the relevant profile fields to the list of fields, the minimum is volunteer. To get the full data use this: volunteer:(volunteer-experiences:(organization,cause,role,start-date, end-date,description)) You also need to be granted access to your full profile to get data not in the basic profile. See this article for more information

How to add the projects section to my profile?

The projects section is in the templates provided by the premium extension WP LinkedIn Advanced Templates but is not activated by default. To activate it you must add the relevant profile fields to the list of fields: projects:(name,url,start-date,end-date,members:(name, person:(public-profile-url,first-name,last-name,picture-url,headline)), description) You also need to be granted access to your full profile to get data not in the basic profile. See this article for more information

How to add the publications section to my profile?

The publications section is in the templates provided by the premium extension WP LinkedIn Advanced Templates but is not activated by default. To activate it you must add the relevant profile fields to the list of fields: publications:(title,publisher,authors,date,url,summary) You also need to be granted access to your full profile to get data not in the basic profile. See this article for more information

How to add the honors & awards section to my profile?

The honors & awards section is in the templates provided by the premium extension WP LinkedIn Advanced Templates but is not activated by default. To activate it you must add the relevant profile fields to the list of fields: honors-awards:(name,issuer,date,description) You also need to be granted access to your full profile to get data not in the basic profile. See this article for more information

How to add other sections to my profile?

For other sections see Showing more of your LinkedIn profile with WP LinkedIn. You also need to be granted access to your full profile to get data not in the basic profile. See this article for more information

I have a slider somewhere and it doesn't work anymore when I add the recommendations' scroller

It's usually due to an incompatibility between the different javascript components used. To solve the incompatibility it's better to choose one of the component and use only this one. To change the component that is used by the recommendations' scroller you will need to customize the recommendations.php template.

I am constantly asked to get a new access token

There can be several reasons to that problem, check the following:

  • Make sure your server's time is correct.
  • If you are using an external cache system make sure it's properly configured.
  • Try to uncheck the Verify SSL peer option on the plugin's settings page.

Since I updated to v1.6 the recommendation slider does not work anymore

Since v1.6 the call to add the javascript for the recommendations slider to the page as been moved to the recommendations.php template. If you customized that template you must add the following line to the top of your custom template: wp_enqueue_script('responsive-scrollable');

Profile picture is only 80x80 pixels is there a way to get a bigger one from LinkedIn?

You can either add picture-urls::(original) to the list of fields and output that field in a customized template or use the [li_picture] shortcode.


Version 2.9.1 Version 2.9 Version 2.8 Version 2.7 Version 2.6.1 Version 2.6 Version 2.5.4 Version 2.5.3 Version 2.5.2 Version 2.5.1 Version 2.5 Version 2.4.2 Version 2.4.1 Version 2.4 Version 2.3.2 Version 2.3.1 Version 2.3 Version 2.2.1 Version 2.2 Version 2.1.2 Version 2.1.1 Version 2.1 Version 2.0.2 Version 2.0.1 Version 2.0 Version 1.19 Version 1.18.3 Version 1.18.2 Version 1.18.1 Version 1.18 Version 1.17.2 Version 1.17.1 Version 1.17 Version 1.16 Version 1.15 Version 1.14 Version 1.13.1 Version 1.13 Version 1.12.2 Version 1.12.1 Version 1.12 Version 1.11.2 Version 1.11.1 Version 1.11 Version 1.10 Version 1.9 Version 1.8 Version 1.7 Version 1.6 Version 1.5.5 Version 1.5.4 Version 1.5.3 Version 1.5.2 Version 1.5.1 Version 1.5 Version 1.4.3 Version 1.4.2 Version 1.4.1 Version 1.4 Version 1.3.8 Version 1.3.7 Version 1.3.6 Version 1.3.5 Version 1.3.4 Version 1.3.3 Version 1.3.2 Version 1.3.1 Version 1.3 Version 1.2.1 Version 1.2.0 Version 1.1.0 Version 1.0.2 Version 1.0.1 Version 1.0.0