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WP Listings Pro

开发者 imforza
更新时间 2019年4月3日 09:08
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1.1
版权: GPL v3
版权网址: 版权信息


real estate real estate agents property properties listings idxbroker real-estate wp-listings wp-listings-pro real estate brokers imforza



WP Listings Pro makes it simple to manage real estate listings, and real estate agent profiles on a WordPress website. Based on the original WP Listings (now known as IMPress Listings), we have updated it with new features and improved integration with IDX Broker.


  1. Deactivate any other Listings, Agent, or Employee plugins.
  2. Install from the WP Admin dashboard, or download the archive and install the archive under the Plugins menu, Add New, Upload Plugin. Or you can unzip the contents of the archive into your WordPress directory under wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins page on the WP Admin page.


  • Listings in WP Admin
  • Edit Listings Agents, Images, and Documents


We encourage all site owners to migrate from IMPress Listings to WP Listings Pro.


Will my previous listings/employees be migrated when installing this plugin?

Probably, while we do our best not all plugins are the same, migrating from IMPress Listings (or AgentPress Listings) and IMPress Agents should be a smooth experience. If you find any issues please submit an issue on Github.

Whats the big difference between WP Listings Pro and IMPress Listings (formally WP Listings)/IMPress Agents?

Currently WP Listings Pro has a few extra fields for listings, such as a much better field for gallery images. The IDX Broker sync/import tool has been rewritten to sync all photos and all property types provided by the IDX Broker API. As Agents (aka employees) are built into the plugin, there is no need to use the legacy Post 2 Post plugin which was required to connect agents to listings in the IMPress Listings.

Who maintains WP Listings Pro?

WP Listings Pro is open source, and managed on Github, but the primary development is managed by imFORZA. The code is based on the original WP Listings, now called IMPress Listings built by Agent Evolution. Be sure to check out our other plugin Real Estate Pro!

Can I contribute to the project, submit bugs or feature requests?

You can contribute, or submit bugs and feature requests on Github.

Where else can I ask questions?

Please use the support forums for this plugin on the website or submit an issue on Github. We'd love to hear from you!
