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MDTF - Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter

开发者 RealMag777
更新时间 2025年3月4日 03:01
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7


woocommerce filter products filter meta filter taxonomies filter



Meta Data Filter & Taxonomies Filter (MDTF) wordpress filter plugin. The main idea of MDTF – make your WordPress site content is filterable and searchable by meta fields and taxonomies on the same time. MDTF is for filtering and searching WordPress content - posts and custom post types by taxonomies and meta data fields on the same time. MDTF is ready to work as WooCommerce products filter. The plugin has very high flexibility thanks to its rich set of filter elements! With MDTF your site customers will be able to filter posts/pages/custom types by the the meta fields and/or taxonomies on the same time. 📚 DOCUMENTATION: 🌐 DEMO SITES: 🐘 PHP 8.x – FULL COMPATIBILITY! Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter Features: 🔍 AJAX searching and filtering for: posts, custom post types, woocommerce products, jigoshop products, Easy Digital Downloads products 🔧 Widgets and Shortcodes 📊 STATISTICS - analyze the information about what your customers filtering on your site 📩 Post Messenger - let your customers will know about new posts or products according to their selected search criterias 🔎 Filter posts and custom post types by meta fields 🌐 Filter posts and custom post types by taxonomies 🔄 Query multiple taxonomies and meta fields on the same time 📍 INSERT SEARCH/FILTER FORMS BY SHORTCODES IN ANY PLACE OF YOUR SITE 🛠️ Creating SEARCH/FILTER shortcodes by constructor 🧩 Meta values html-items combinations auto recount based on the current search (dynamic recount) 🔢 Taxonomies terms values dynamic recount based on the current search 🛠️ Built-in the meta-fields data constructor (checkbox, drop-down, multi drop-down, range-slider, calendar, textinput, label) 🔄 AJAX recounting of the SEARCH/FILTER form html-items for hierarchical searching 🔢 Unlimited count of meta fields which can be created by built-in meta data constructor 🔁 Auto submit option 📏 Step for range slider optionally. Integer or Decimal. 📐 Size for any drop-down optionally 🔤 Filtering by post title and its content (any post type) 🛠️ Specify for each meta fields the display mode on tye site front: drop-down, checkbox, range slider, calendar, textinput, label 🔲 Specify for each taxonomy the display mode on the site front: drop-down, checkbox, multi drop-down, label 🔧 Constructor of sort-panels 🛒 Work with WooCommerce: price, products attributes and with product categories! 🏷️ Ready for Jigoshop! and EasyDigitalDownloads 💬 Nice tooltip for each filter html-element in the filter form with description text 🔢 Unlimited instances of the MDTF widgets and MDTF shortcodes, and each of them has its own set of settings 🚫 Empty terms or meta fields can be hidden optionally in widgets and in shortcodes (premium) 🔄 Works with any kind of posts, custom post types, woocommerce/jigoshop products, category or custom taxonomies, price 🔄 Dynamic recount for the search combinations 🔄 Reset button optionally 📚 Toggles for the filter sections 🔧 Wide API 💎 Get Premium version of WordPress Filter plugin on CODECANYON Videos: Additional information: Important note: If you have troubles with empty result page, and you sure that it must be, do next please: * open your wp theme file header.php * at the same bottom of the file drop this <?php do_shortcode('[mdf_force_searching]') ?> * save file Make your site more profitable with next powerful scripts: ✅ HUSKY - WooCommerce Products Filter: is an extendable, flexible and robust plugin for WooCommerce that allows your site customers filter products by products categories, attributes, tags, custom taxonomies and price. Supports latest version of the WooCommerce plugin. A must have plugin for your WooCommerce powered online store! Maximum flexibility! ✅ BEAR - WooCommerce Bulk Editor Professional: BEAR - WordPress plugin for managing and bulk edit WooCommerce Products data in robust and flexible way! Be professionals with managing data of your woocommerce e-shop! ✅ FOX - WooCommerce Currency Switcher: is WooCommerce multi currency plugin, that allows your site visitors switch products prices currencies according to set currencies rates in the real time and pay in the selected currency (optionally). Allows to add any currency for WooCommerce store! ✅ WOOT - WooCommerce Products Table: Products tables makes focus for your buyers on the things they want to get, nothing superfluous, just what the client wants, and full attention to what is offered! Convenience of choice in your shop products for your customers, means benefits for your business. WOOT - focused and constructive way to sell online! ✅ TABLEON - WordPress Post Tables Filterable: WordPress plugin for displaying site posts and their custom post types in table format. Tables makes focus for your customers on the things they want to get, nothing superfluous, just what the client wants, and full attention to what is offered! ✅ WPCS - WordPress Currency Switcher: is a WordPress plugin that allows to switch currencies and get their rates converted in the real time on your site! ✅ WOLF - WordPress Posts Bulk Editor Professional: is WordPress plugin for managing and bulk edit WordPress posts, pages and custom post types data in robust and flexible way! Be professionals with managing data of your site!



  • Settings - tab-2
  • Settings - tab-3
  • Settings - tab-4
  • Settings - tab-5
  • Settings - tab-6
  • Settings - tab-7
  • Settings - tab-8
  • Settings - shortcodes
  • Settings - sort panels
  • Settings - constant links


Look here for full functionality plugin and updates:

更新日志: 1.3.3 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.3.0 1.2.9 1.2.8 1.2.7 1.2.6 1.2.4 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.9 A lot of improvements. Attention for codecanyon customers - do not update to this version - it is the free one and have less functionality!!! Download your copy of the plugin you bought from codecanyon site only! 1.0.7 Search links became short 1.0.6 Some fixes and improvements 1.0.5 A lot of fixes and improvements 1.0.4 Fixed bug with empty result page. To resolve it added new shortcode . It is just enough open in your theme header.php in wordpress editor and drop this shortcode on the same bottom of the file. 1.0.3 Added auto submit for meta fileds. Added ion.range-slider javascript for beauty range-sliders 1.0.2 Some php notices are removed. Reset button is added. 1.0.1 1 bug is fixed 1.0.0 Plugin is released. Operate all the basic functions. If you want more functionality, look here: