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WP Most Popular

开发者 wearewpgeeks
更新时间 2018年8月7日 20:02
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


popular posts popular popular posts widget top posts most viewed posts most viewed popular custom type posts most view widget most view posts widget best posts


0.2 0.3 0.3.1 0.1


WP Most Popular was born out of frustration in finding a decent plugin which performs one simple task and that is to rank your most popular blog posts. The plugin keeps a log of your most popular posts based on views and lets you display them in your blog theme with custom styling. You can display popular posts from the last day, 7 days, 30 days or all time. It also comes with a sidebar widget to let you display your popular posts on your blogs sidebar. If you are a developer and integrate the plugin in to a theme, you will get a lot more flexibility out of the plugin including the ability to show the most popular custom post types etc. This plugin was built and is maintained by WP Geeks. For extra documentation, videos, snippets and support, visit the WP Most Popular product page.


Setting up WP Most Popular is very simple. Follow these easy steps
  1. Upload the plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin in your WordPress admin
  3. Add sidebar widget or integrate functions in to your theme


Why are no posts displaying when I use the widget or call the function in my theme?

99% of the time this is because no posts have been visited yet to receive a ranking. Simply click on a blog post to read it on your blog and it will receive a ranking and display in the list of most popular posts.

What are the minimum requirements for the plugin?

You will need a web server or shared host that supports PHP version 5 or newer. Javascript is also required to log post views.

Why does the plugin use Javascript to track the post views?

The original version of the plugin that I wrote used PHP to track the post views and the reason why I switched to Javascript was because if a caching plugin is enabled on your blog, the page will be loaded statically to your visitor and the PHP code to log a view on a post will not be run.

Can I request a feature?

Yes, please do so on the WordPress support forum for the plugin. I will consider it and if I feel it is worth adding, I will schedule it for a future release.

Can I contribute code to the plugin?

Yes! The plugin is open source and I host it on Github. Feel free to send me pull requests.

Where can I get support for the plugin?

This plugin is managed by WP Geeks and you can contact our support team on our website.


0.3.1 0.3 0.2 0.1