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开发者 cbbaker
更新时间 2009年6月10日 07:25
PHP版本: 2.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.7


comments login registration authentication authorization myspace oauth openid myspaceid


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.3


Adding MySpaceID to a blog allows bloggers and commenters to log in using their MySpace credentials rather than having to set up and remember yet another username and password. To log in, a user clicks on the "Login with MySpaceID" button, which brings up a popup window with a special MySpace login page. If the user is already logged in to MySpace, the popup will show which account they are using and the name of the blog, and ask them to confirm that they want to use their MySpaceID to log in. If they are not logged in, it will show the blog name, give them a place to enter their MySpace credentials, and ask for confirmation. If the user logs in successfully, the popup closes, and the plugin either creates a new account on the blog for them, or logs them in with their existing account. This plug-in depends on the MySpaceID PHP SDK, which requires PHP 5 or later. It is not compatible with PHP 4. Please report any problems or suggestions here.


For a detailed walk through of these instructions, please visit here.
  1. Install the following plug-ins using their instructions:
  2. xrds-simple
  3. openid
  4. Download
  5. Unzip the file to the /wp-content/plugins directory on the hosting server.
  6. On the WordPress Blog, select the Plugins tab and click the Activate links for MySpaceID, OpenID and XDRS-Simple.
  7. If you have not already done so, register your site as a MySpaceID application by following the instructions on How to Set Up a New Application for OpenID.
IMPORTANT: When you register your site as a MySpaceID application, you'll enter your domain as a Relying Party Realm. When you do this, be sure to use a trailing slash at the end of the URL (i.e., use NOT 1. On the WordPress Blog, select the Settings tab and click MySpaceID. 1. Enter your OAuth Consumer Key and OAuth Consumer Secret in the text fields provided and click Update Options. Visitors to the WordPress blog are now able to log in the their MySpace username and password.