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WP Property Feed Connector for Residence Theme

开发者 ultimatewebuk
更新时间 2023年11月10日 23:37
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.3
版权: GPL2


Real Estate Property Theme BLM Properties Vebra Alto Vebralive Estate Agent LetMC Rightmove Zoopla Residence WP Residence Annapx



WP Property Feed Connector for WP Residence Theme Automatically feed Alto, Jupix, Vebra, LetMC or BLM (Rightmove) property details into the popular WP Residence real estate theme. This is a zero-maintenance plugin that means estate agents can avoid having to re-enter property details from their back office software into their WordPress website. Requires the WP Property Feed plugin. If you�re using a different theme to WP Residence, our WP Property Feed plugin can be customised to automatically feed searchable property details with any WP theme. Requirements This plugin requires;


Once you have installed and set up your WP Residence theme and the WP Property Feed Plugin you simply install this connector plugin and the rest is automatic. You can download and install this plugin using the built in WordPress plugin installer in the wp-admin, just search for \"WP Property Feed Residence\" and install the plugin then \"Activate\" to make it active. Once active the connector will automatically update the WP Residence properties each time the WP Property Feed plugin updates from the feeds (normally every quarter hour). In the settings for WP Property Feed you will see a new WP Residence tab. The tab will show the last 10 automatic updates that were performed and has a checkbox to allow you to run the connector immediately. It is advised that you set a long time out (max_execution_time) in your php.ini file as feed downloads can take a long time.
