wp-publications enables research groups and individuals to add publication lists in Wordpress. The publication lists are generated on the fly from bibtex files using
One just has to create a post/page containing a short code such as:
- [wp-publications bib="sample.bib" all=true]
- [wp-publications bib="sample.bib" year=2001]
- [wp-publications bib="sample.bib" author="Doe"]
One can also mix options:
- [wp-publications bib="sample.bib" year=2001 author="Bar"]
- The bibtex file is expected in directory at the root of the wordpress installation or in wp-content/plugins/wp-publications
- The short code options exactly correspond to bibtexbrowser queries.
- The mybibliography.bib should be encoded in UTF-8 if diacritics are not LaTeX-escaped
- Please use complete refresh when uploading a new bibtex file (generally Ctrl-F5 or Shift-F5)