This plugin uses a pubmed query to generate a reference list on a page. It provides an admin page
where you can associate PubMed queries with keys and a shorttag that allows you to display a
list of references based on any of your keys on a page or post.
This plugin was developed for use on the website for the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
at Texas A&M University (
- Upload
folder to your /wp-content/plugins
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Use Settings to associate keys with PubMed queries.
- Use the shortcode in your posts or pages: [pmid-refs key="" limit=10]
== Installation ==
requires php openSSL to access pubmed E-utils via https
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
How do I compose a query
For Query syntax
My reference list just shows a list of numbers and no text
This is probably because an error happened in processing the query. The empty
result gets cached. To flush the cache go back and resave the queries in the dashboard; then reload the page.
Can I combine saved queries
Yes. use double pipes to combine other queries using their named keys.
The plugin will combine the two queries with a logical OR
Can I display a random reference based on my query
Yes. Use negative limit to pick one random reference from a list of abs[$limit]
Can I add references that are not in PubMed
Yes, add these to the extras box. Use one reference per line. These will be added to the
end of your list. The plugin is not smart enough to sort these into the main list at this
Your donate link seems odd. How do I support this plugin
This plugin was developed as part of my work for the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
at Texas A&M. Donating won't lead me to give up my day job to spend more time on plugin
development. But if you want to donate out of gratitude/niceness, give whatever you think
would be appropriate to the Biochemistry/Biophysics improvement fund. It's tax-deductible
and it will go to some other worthy activity.
Are these questions really frequently asked?
No. I'm just guessing what people will ask.
== Screenshots ==
- Admin page
- Page displaying a reference list using the shorttag