This plugin is still an on-going development. Issues are sure to arise trying to build an engine that lays foundation for other plugins to build off of. Please use the support forums for help developing.
The idea of this plugin is to demonstrate a simple plugin that hooks into WPRPG and adds RPG Attack abilities.
Upload \"wprpg_attack\" folder to the \"/wp-content/plugins/\" directory.
Activate the plugin through the \"Plugins\" menu in WordPress.
What is a Text-based RPG?
Role Playing Game. Typically a Text-based RPG consists of a player vs player or player vs world game where you must preform actions to collect items, defeat enemies, and/or build armies. There\'s little to no graphics outside of the websites theme.
Added an Action check to make sure that all plugins are loaded before loading this one. Issue was arising that wpRPG Attack was loading BEFORE wpRPG.
Fixed a js issue that was preventing Attack functions from executing on certain scenarios.
Fixed a combat issue that was causing only the first player in the list to be attacked.
There was excess js files that were from legacy versions unused that needed to be deleted.
Minor bug-testing with wpRPG hooks.
Converted structure to represent wpRPG's directory structure.
Fixed issues with Attack button not hooking correctly
Numerous additions and deletions. Bugs out the wazoo.