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SEO Pro for WordPress

开发者 hdevinfo
更新时间 2018年1月17日 16:43
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


wordpress seo woocommerce content analysis readability


1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.1


Use WP SEO Pro to truly boost visibility for your WordPress and WooCommerce site for SEO. Why use WP SEO Pro? Easy to use, easy to understand, very friendly, quite intuitive, organized, especially for beginners in SEO, just install and you can start to optimise your website or Ecommerce website. WP SEO Pro is more than an SEO tool, it is a complex analysis and recommendation system, created especially for people who do not have SEO knowledge, but they are almost desperate to be on the first pages of search engines. Technology This plug-in integrates a unique NL SEO technology (Neuro Linguistic SEO) that analyzes the answers in terms of the behavior and perception of people visiting your pages. All the recommendations that are displayed are to create 100% optimized pages but not super-saturated, from SEO point of view. For advanced SEO and human support, use the Pro Version


  • **Score Grade**
  • **Live Status**
  • **Internal Link(s)**
  • **Readability Score**
  • **Human Support**


I'm trying to install the plugin, I'm looking for seo pro for wordpress, but I can not find it

When looking for a plugin in WordPress, the display criteria are set by WordPress and not by the developer. So search is done not by the keywords set by the developer but by your own WordPress criteria. So the plugin will be indexed by WordPress as he thinks fit. So you can search for SEO plugins and return calendars with plugins, etc. In this case, we recommend looking for author. In WordPress, Plugin -> Add New, on the right you change to the keyword in Author and type 'hdevinfo'.

What do I do after installing SEO Pro for WordPress?

I go to the settings menu, fill in the social media fields, check the two recommendations then save and start editing, creating posts, pages or products.

We started editing and yet something was not clear

For this we have a video that will show exactly the steps you need to take. We strive to be short and to the point.

I have a question and I urgently need an answer

Send email to support at hdev dot info and get the answer relatively quickly.

I want to make a recommendation...

that I think is extraordinary for the development of SEO plugin and services. How am I doing? Send mail to support at hdev dot info and summarize your idea. Do not be surprised if you are surprised!

I want to help

We are interested in development because we want to do SEO SEO for WordPress the most powerful SEO plugin. So all the ideas and technologies that help to develop the product are welcome and rewarded.

It is also a good idea to visit the plugin page

You'll find answers to many of your questions on the URI: SEO Pro for WordPress

Configuration Video


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.1