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WP Shorties

开发者 softwarp
更新时间 2016年11月15日 13:44
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


link cloaking short url url shortening urlshortener click through tracking affiliate link cloaker


2.95 3.0


Professional url shortener for click tracking and affiliate link cloaking. Tiny URLs count WPShorties makes the tiny URLs you always wanted to push affiliate offers. Get shortened URls in no time. Short and wellmasked URLs sell better and convert better. Cloaked URLs sell WPShorties makes URL cloaking easier than ever. URL cloaking equals link cloaking equals redirecting clicks, so all this translates directly into likely higher click-through rates and enhanced split testing of multiple affiliate offers simultaneously. Redirect clicks professionally WPShorties allows you to send clickers to selected destinations without them even knowing where they are really going to land. Use it to find out quickly which of your landing pages convert best. Multi directional distribution WPShorties lets you select the probability with which a visitor is redirected to a certain page. That means your short and cloaked URLs can redirect each click to a different destination. Open multiple URLs with a single click With WPShorties you can force visitors open multiple pages with a single click, i.e. your facebook page, your twitter page, your youtube channel and your subscription page all at the same time and with one single click. Think about what this can do for your affiliate link cloaking. Click tracking program WPShorties tracks the clicks. See at a single glance what's getting the most clicks: the gross numbers and a detailed log giving ip addresses of clickers, their referral url, date and time of their clicks and the redirection address. Click tracking is something all affiliate marketers really should be doing. More about short & tiny URLs To see link cloaking in action and learn strategies how to use it best visit our wordpress plugin blog today.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to your blog's plugin directory. Usually, public_html/wp-content/plugins/
  2. Login to your wp-admin dashboard & proceed to your plugins management page. Activate the WP Shorties plugin
  3. Visit the WP Shorties page under "Settings" menu
Congrats, you're done!


  • List of all short url
  • WP Shorties logs
  • Options / configuration
  • WP Shorties usage notes


3.0 2.95 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0