This plugin hides the text that is defined between the simple Shortcode. By clicking on the user-defined link, the hidden text becomes visible. It works via a Shortcode and can be placed everywhere!
Usage: [show_more more="TEXT" less="TEXT"] Content [/show_more]
You can use some parameters like:
- more="show more"
- less="show more"
- color="#0066CC"
- list="»"
- align="left" | "center" | "right"
- size="120"
All you have to do is upload the plugin within your Wordpress Plugins menu and activate it.
Then, you can add the shortcode everywhere you want (pages, posts, widgets etc):
[show_more more="show more" less="show less"] Your hidden Content [/show_more]
Of course, you can customize the text "show more".
In case that you have any support inquiries, feel free to contact me.
Allows shortcodes to be used within the hidden content.
New parameter «size» to change the Font Size in (%)
Add new parameter «align» to set the link as «left», «center» or «right»
- Fix the message «headers already sent»
- Add the JavaScript code to the footer
New functions, which allows you to use the shortcodes "more" and "less"
The Shortcode with a new attribute [list=“-“] extended
The Shortcode with a new attribute [color=“#0066cc“] extended
Initial release.