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WP Slimbox Reloaded

开发者 Christophe Beyls
Jorge Serra
更新时间 2008年8月17日 00:01
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.x 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.6


lightbox images mootools slimbox img




This plugin allows you to use Slimbox (Lightbox clon) in your post's images, it automagically adds the required code, and it is backwards compliant as it works with rel="lightbox" attribute, if you already had Lightbox installed. If you don't like the code being added automatically, you can turn this off by editing one line in the plugin editor (wp-slimbox-reloaded.php). By the default, all images included in a given post will work as a gallery (rel="lightbox[post-#]"). Mootools 1.2 is bound to this plugin, for those who haven't implemented it yet, but you can modify one line in the code and tell the plugin if you already have it. The variable to look for is $already_has_mootools = 'yes'; It also features a code quicktag in the code editor (when you write a page or a post). This plugin is based on Slimbox (developed by Christophe Beyls), a 4kb visual clone of the popular Lightbox JS v2.0 (developed by Lokesh Dhakar), written using the Mootools javascript framework. It was designed to be small, efficient, more convenient and 100% compatible with the original Lightbox v2. Mostly I made arrangements of code in WP Lightbox 2 plugin by Safirul Alredha ( and the original Slimbox plugin by Jorge Serra ( to run up the latest versions of both Slimbox (1.64 at the writing of this plugin) Mootools (1.2), and of course: WordPress (2.6). I noticed there's also an other Slimbox - WordPress plugin but it is outdated and the automatic attachment of code it doesn't seem to be working, though I haven't made extensive tests. I'm talking about the one made by Peppe Argento(


  1. Upload the whole wp-slimbox-reloaded folder to the following directory:
/wp-content/plugins/ It is important to keep the directory hierarchy structure, otherwise it could be problems. Your WP plugin folder should look like this: Additional info on: For the plugin to function correctly the name of the folder must not be changed (wp-slimbox-reloaded).
  1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress, and enjoy Slimbox in your WordPress blog!
Please Note: This plugin by default automatically adds the necessary atribute to your image's link tags, but you can turn off this feature (in the plugin editor, requires edition of only one line in the code: $automatically_add_code = 'yes'; ). If you turn off this feature, you must manually add a rel="lightbox" (yes, "lightbox" for compatibility!) attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox effect or rel="lightbox[image-set]" for image sets. If you like it please give me all your money: Additional links: