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WP Smart Editor

开发者 JoomUnited
更新时间 2019年4月22日 17:39
PHP版本: 5.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


editor WYSIWYG tinyMCE button editor rich text editor text editor smart editor user role editor editor profile column manager table editor file manager editor bullet list editor


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.1.0 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.2.0


We are currently focusing on developing an enhancement of the new WordPress block editor using our plugin Advanced Gutenberg. While this plugin is just maintained, we encourage all our users to try the Advanced Gutenberg experience :)
The WordPress text editor is really easy to use and something fundamental for everyone, whether you are a redactor or a web developer. What about getting an enhanced version of this text editor offering a custom experience to each user. WP Smart Editor is giving to you and your clients a custom experience with the possibility to filter the tools available per user or user role. Furthermore, the plugins comes with time saving edition tools: Still not sure! test the plugin live on Addendio sandbox demo website Video demo of the main editor features [vimeo] Video demo of the advanced editor tools [vimeo] Create unlimited edition profiles, for each editor profile define: Main plugins from JoomUnited: Support Before leaving a review >> Feel free to ask questions here in the support section, we reply to every question! A dedicated private ticket support is also available on the website.


To install the automatically: To install the plugin manually:


  • Easy to use and advanced edition tools
  • Manage HTML tables easily
  • Manage files with a real file manager
  • Edition tools: columns, button, bullet list, summary
  • Manager editor profiles with custom tools
  • Create custom styles for you users
  • Advanced code coloration and Search and Replace feature


Update through the automatic WordPress updater, all WP Smart Editor content and configuration will remain in place.


Can I get support for the editor use?

We reply to every question about the editor on the forum here, just ask :) If you have a feature request you can also submit it on JoomUnited forum (create a free account first)

Can I use WP Smart Editor only myself?

Yes, after install you can select which edition tools will be available for whom. So you can create an edition profile just for you.

Is WP Smart Editor slowing down my website?

The plugin have NO impact on page load, it's only loaded during the edition process. Only your custom CSS, if used, will be loaded on frontend.

Is WP Smart Editor compatible with 3rd party plugins?

Yes it is, it has been tested with a lot of plugins and themes on the market furthermore it's a natural extension of the WordPress default editor. So it can be used in WooCommerce, page builders that load WordPress default editor.

Is WP Smart Editor free?

Yes totally free of charge, the only thing you can purchase is an upgrade of WP File Download (the enhanced version of the file manager) and WP Table Manager (the enhanced version of the table manager).

Can I translate WP Smart Editor plugin?

Yes, and that's really easy! JU Translation is a translation tool included in all our WordPress plugins: get, share and manage your extensions translations from a visual and easy to use interface! You'll find it in the WP Smart Editor configuration menu

Where can I activate the editor coloration code?

It's activated on plugin install and you can find the option from the configuration. Your theme files admin editor is also concerned.

Can I change the custom CSS class with a user friendly name?

Yes from the custom CSS creation tool you can add a seperated CSS class name and a title. The last one will be displayed in in a dropdown list in your editor.

Is it possible to order edition tools?

You can activate, disable, order the tools available in your editor and also the toolbars

Can I load the same editor on several WordPress websites?

Yes the editor has a profile import/export feature. You can export your profiles including: custom editor toolbar, edition tools ordering and configuration and even add custom CSS

I don't see the new buttons or new editor

  1. Make sure the setting: "Disable the visual editor" is not checked under Users >> Your Profile >> configuration is not checked.
  2. Make sure that an edition profile is linked to your account for example if you're in admin user role make sure that an edition profile is setup to be loaded for admins


1.3.3 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.3.0 1.2.0 1.1.0 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0