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WP Stop Forum Spam

开发者 DarkWolf
更新时间 2013年3月18日 03:09
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.1


spam stop bbpress forum antispam darkwolf wp stop forum spam


0.1 0.2


For test how it work simply install it and try to make a new comment in blog (or bbpress plugin if you have installed) with email (or ip address - maybe you can try with some proxy server) present in "stopforumspam" database. Important: It use (and require) file_get_contents() to work. Author


  1. Upload wp-stop-forum-spam directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • Stop forum Spam Website!
  • If spam is found in database...
  • Stop forum Spam Website!
  • If spam is found in database...
  • Stop forum Spam Website!
  • If spam is found in database...


Bug if not bbpress (sorry)! == Changelog == 0.2
  • Fix fatal error if not bbpress!
  • First release


How it work this plugin?

It check email and/or ipaddress guest comments in "Stop Forum Spam" database via file_get_contents() and, if found, terminate with wp_die and error log json!

Cause an error with file_get_contents i can't install... How i can fix?

You need to configure your web server ("php.ini") and enable file_get_contents support (ask support to your web host if you can't see/edit your "php.ini").

Is there an API usage limit with Stop Forum Spam?

Yes > API queries from "Stop Forum Spam" server are currently limited to 20.000 (comments guest) per day. For this reason this plugin is not intended for subdomain/shared community!

How i can test if it work?

Go in "stopforumspam", copy one email present in database (see in homepage) and try - from guest! - to make a new comment.