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Stripe Express

开发者 itstripe
更新时间 2025年2月21日 20:17
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


payment woocommerce contact form 7 stripe alipay credit card ach wechat pay


1.12.1 1.17.0 1.10.6 1.24.2 1.25.0 1.26.0 1.1.1 1.15.0 1.20.0 1.24.0 1.0.2 1.10.1 1.7.5 1.8.2 1.12.2 1.0.0 1.11.0 1.2.0 1.9.0 1.10.0 1.12.0 1.12.3 1.12.5 1.12.6 1.13.0 1.14.3 1.5.2 1.8.1 1.10.7 1.24.6


Accept a wide range of payment methods, including Visa, MasterCard, Alipay, WeChat, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, Bancontact, FPX, EPS, SEPA, Giropay, Sofort, iDeal, and more, to build your payment page or woocommerce checkout page in minutes without any coding knowledge. We provide a variety of built-in payment widgets, called 'Elements', for you to easily choose and add as shortcodes. These widgets can be used for customers from countries such as Europe, China, and Japan. Online Demo | Documentation Features Highlight Features For Free Common usages As a website owner: * If you want to put a payment button on any pages or posts, choose one-time => fixed amount button. Online Demo * If you want your customer to pay as they want on any pages or posts, choose one-time => custom amount button. Online Demo * If you want to collect any donations on any pages or posts, choose one-time => donation button. Online Demo * If you are looking for a complex payment form like booking an event, choose one-time => CF7 redirection. Online Demo * If your customers are coming from china, choose Digital Wallet => WeChat/Alipay. Online Demo Highlight Features For Premium Our team aims to provide regular support for this plugin on the forums. But please understand that we do prioritize our premium support. This one-on-one email support is available to people who bought Premium. Woocommerce Support (Premium only 🎉) Note: You can still purchase this premium plugin for this feature, however we recommend trying our dedicated woocommerce plugin WooCommerce Stripe Payment Setup Woocommerce Stripe Elements Checkout Setup Woocommerce Stripe Redirect
This way the checkout would look a lot more trustworthy to customers when being redirected to stripes own checkout page than giving their credit card details to “some random” site.
Collect Dynamic Fields from URL Parameters This plugin feature allows you to collect dynamic fields from URL parameters. To use this feature, follow these steps: 1. Enable the "Enable Url Params" option when creating an element short-code. 2. Append the override URL parameters to the page that includes the element. The following parameters are currently supported to override element settings: currency: Choose from usd, eur, aud, cad, cny, gbp, hkd, jpy, myr amount: Enter any digital number. quantity: Set the quantity for one-time type elements. [name]: Set the product name for one-time type elements. Note that the brackets are required for this term. metadata: Add metadata for the element. price: Use only for price IDs created in the Stripe dashboard. Format the price as "price_xxx_xx". Here are some examples of how to use these parameters: `[name]=myproduct&metadata.order=1234&metadata.note=xxx ` Payment Links With Payment Links, you can create a payment page and share a link to it with your customers. You can share the link as many times as you want on social media, in emails, or through any other channel. Also, you can use them as an image link button or even insert them into any pricing table. Payment Links supports over 20 payment methods—including credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. The payment page is translated into over 30 languages and automatically matches your customer’s preferred browser language. Links Demo | Pricing Table Demo Contact Form 7 Stripe Integration (Free) The above standalone payment widgets might be not enough to customize fields, people always want to attach more fields or information shipping with the payment, no matter if these fields are static or collected by customers. As #1 form builder plugin with over 5 million installations, we do like Contact Form 7, not just popular, but simple, flexible, etc... Now, we provide a CF7 Redirection virtual button to link into a cf7 form. When customers submit the form, the CF7 original sending email submission does its own job, once its success, the payment workflow will be triggered then. After the payment, you should see these fields information in your payment details' metadata, never miss them. Online Demo | Documentation Note: we have a dedicated plugin for CF7 right now. Comparing the stripe checkout redirection only in this plugin, that plugin supports both credit card field and also multiple payment methods field as well. please check it out on Customize email notifications You can turn on/off three kinds of email notifications for each transfer: payment success, failed, customer invoice. You can design your email templates with built-in placeholder fields like amount, currency, customer email, address, etc... Documentation China digital payment: Alipay & WeChat Both Alipay & WeChat Pay are digital wallet in China that has more than a billion active users worldwide. If your business is in China, then good for you, from a simple payment button to a complex form, we provide multiple elements for your customer to finish the payment easily. Form Demo | Simple Button Demo | Documentation ABOUT US We provide professional Stripe payment solutions for WordPress, with the following core products:


  • payment link
  • woocommerce gateway
  • setting




Who should use this plugin?

You don’t need an entire eCommerce store to accept payments on your site and you have a product or service to offer and simply want to automate sales.

Does this require an SSL certificate?

Yes! In Live Mode, an SSL certificate must be installed on your site to use Stripe. In addition to SSL encryption, Stripe provides an extra JavaScript method to secure card data using Stripe Elements.

Does this support both production mode and sandbox mode for testing?

Yes, it does - production and Test (sandbox) mode is driven by the API keys you use with a checkbox in the admin settings to toggle between both.

Can I disable WP REST API?

No, this plugin is using WP REST API. So please make sure it is opening or just add stripe-express API into the whitelist by some plugins like disable-json-api.