This plugin for WordPress will insert categories & subcategories from your WordPress to posts and pages. Plugin adds his own
button to tinyMCE editor for post&pages.
Briefly, you can use options for
get_categories function,
list of options is in
- print categories & subcategories
- use attributes in get categories and markup
- option: add description to category
- option: order by +date +ID +title +modified +menu_order=term_order
- option: sort +ASC +DESC
- option: add number of posts
- option: +exclude +include
- style: +unordered list (default) +ordered list +divided by tag
- functions: function that searches if radio answer is correct (YES, Y, NO, N etc.)
This plugin uses
Showdown - a markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript to provide you
user manual.
How You can install our plugin?
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
- Use it where you want on every post or page using [insert_sub_and_category] shortcode
button "Insert categories" in tinyMCE editor.