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WP Tech Lookup

Developer ashishajani
Update Time March 8, 2024, 8:49 p.m.
Donation URL: donation
PHP Version: 7.4 +
WordPress Version: 6.4.3
Copyright: GPLv2 or later
Copyright URL: Copyright Information


server information php information server monitor mysql information wordpress information file permissions os information


1.0 1.1


WP Tech Lookup is a simple WordPress utiliy plugin. Once installed it will show important information including hosting server information, WordPress information, database information, file permissions and WordPress cron job information. Features: Hosting server information WordPress information WordPress directory permissions Database information WordPress schedule actions


Installation process is very simple for WP Show Stats plugin. Ways to install plugin: Installation with FTP:
  1. Download wp-tech-lookup plugin.
  2. Extract plugin.
  3. Upload wp-tech-lookup directory to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  4. Go to Plugins option from left menu and activate 'WP Tech Lookup' plugin from the list.
Installation with Upload method via WordPress admin panel:
  1. Download wp-tech-lookup plugin.
  2. Go to plugins page by clicking on Plugins menu item from left menu.
  3. Click on 'Add New' option.
  4. Upload the plugin and activate.
How to use WP Tech Lookup plugin:
  1. Install and activate plugin with the steps provided above.
  2. There will be 'WP Tech Lookup' option under 'Tools' menu.
  3. Click on this option and it will show a page with complete information about server.


  • WordPress information
  • File permissions with warning
  • File permissions without warning
  • Database information
  • WordPress cron information

Upgrade Notice:

  • Initial release of this plugin


Support available?

No the support is not available for this plugin but If you need any modification in plugin or need some extra functionality than please let me know I will try to help you by providing enough guidelines on how to make changes in this plugin.

Will it work on my Theme?

The usage of plugin is only for administrative purpose so there should be no concern about theme.

I've noticed a bug, what should I do now?

This is a very first release of the plugin, so bugs are predicted to show up. It would be great if you could send me details by reaching at me.


1.1 1.0