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Customer Service Software & Support Ticket System

开发者 emarket-design
更新时间 2025年2月5日 15:50
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


customer support help desk helpdesk ticket system support ticket


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LIVE DEMO SITE WP Ticket Starter Demo Site Powerful | Easy to use | Beautiful
Every business needs a Customer Service Software & Support Ticket System to attract and retain customers. WP Ticket is a powerful yet easy to use help desk software to build and maintain better customer relationships. Introduction Video to get you started RELATED PLUGINS YOU MAY LIKE Enterprise grade Customer Service Software & Support Ticket System Features PLUGIN LINKS


The simplest way to install is to click on 'Plugins' then 'Add' and type 'WP Ticket' in the search field. Manual Installation Type 1 Manual Installation Type 2


  • Responsive Ticket Search for all users; easily created using setup assistant during plugin activation
  • Responsive ticket pages and Recent Tickets sidebar widget on the frontend. Ticket archives are disabled for privacy.
  • Ticket Edit screen in admin area
  • Ticket List in admin area with contextual coloring for taxonomies to easily locate tickets
  • WP Ticket Pro dashboard with statistics and charts in admin area; Advanced filtering, responsive frontend/backend and more
  • Admin Settings page for WP Ticket Form customization.
  • Fully customizable optional email notification screen for customers and admin users
  • WP Ticket Enterprise Edition is the most advanced and fully featured plugin ever built for WordPress - for enterprise level support
  • Administrative tools in the plugin settings are available
  • [Knowledge Center Enterprise Edition]( offers the most advanced and complete knowledgebase plugin
  • Displays a ticket list in table format in the frontend
  • Most comprehensive [WooCommerce Integration]( to this date
  • Custom fields support
  • Most comprehensive [Easy Digital Downloads Integration]( to this date
  • Agents have their own page, can see their own tickets when logged in, get notified when a ticket is assigned to them
  • Customization directly from plugin settings without modifying theme template files. Require login/registration to access search and submit forms
  • [eMD CSV Import Export Extension]( for bulk import/export from/to CSV files


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