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WP Tournament Registration

开发者 archaeopath
更新时间 2023年8月8日 18:00
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.2.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


registration event registration events sport tournament tournaments competition chess competitions hobby sport


1.1.3 1.2 1.2.0 1.1.1 1.1.2


WP Tournament Registration is a plugin that provides shortcodes intended for registering players with hobby sport events. As a matter of fact, it was made for the championship of my local chess club. There are four shortcodes for different views: All these shortcodes are customizable through a set of optional attributes. Available fields Attributes wptournregedit: wptournregexport: wptournregform: wptournreglist: wptournregfield: Usage The first example is a registration form. Several wptournregfield shortcodes are wrapped by a wptournregfield one. You can put HTML elements between (fi. fieldsets) in order to design your form: [wptournregform tournament_id="my_tournament" css_id="my_tournament" email=""]<p>Red labels indicate required fields!</p><fieldset><legend>Who you are</legend>[wptournregfield field="lastname" label="Family name" required="1" /][wptournregfield field="firstname" label="Christian name" required="1" /][wptournregfield field="affiliation" label="Club" required="1" placeholder="or 'free agent'" /][wptournregfield field="rating1" label="DWZ" /]</fieldset><fieldset><legend>Your contact data (not to be published)</legend>[wptournregfield field="email" label="E-mail" /][wptournregfield field="phone1" label="Phone 1" required="1" /][wptournregfield field="phone2" label="Phone 2" /]</fieldset>[wptournregfield field="message" label="Your message" placeholder="Whatever you like to tell us." /][/wptournregform] The next instance is an editor for the data of the tournament. The non-approved players are highlihted in the selection list: [wptournregedit tournament_id="my_tournament" display_fields="approved,firstname,lastname,affiliation,email,id,time,ip,rating1,phone1,phone2,protected,custom1,message" /] Next is a list view. Normally you will make an password restricted full list for internal use and a small one for the public. Only approved players are on view: [wptournreglist tournament_id="my_tournament" display_fields="lastname,firstname,affiliation,email,phone1,phone2,message" headings="Last Name,First Name,Club,E-mail,Phone 1, Phone 2, Message" /] The next shortcode exports all participants into a csv list which than the is loaded into a tournament manager app (Swiss-Chess in this case). Here also non-approved players get exported. Wrap the field names in sections signs (§) in order to output the respective value. [wptournregexport tournament_id="my_tournament" all="1" format='"§lastname§, §firstname§";"§affiliation§";"";"";"§rating1§";""' linebreak="1" filename="swiss-chess.txt"]Download Swiss-Chess list[/wptournregexport] The following shortcode exports a list of all approved participants who have provided you with a mail address in a way you can directly copy and paste into a mail client. See FAQ for issues with some characters! [wptournregexport tournament_id="my_tournament" format='"§firstname§ §lastname§" LOWER_THAN§email§>,' fields_set="email" filename="mails.txt"]Download mail list (use BCC!)[/wptournregexport]


  1. In your wp-admin (WordPress dashboard), go to Plugins Menu > Add New
  2. Search for 'wp-tournament-registration' in search field on top right.
  3. In the search results, click on 'Install Now' button next to WP Tournament Registration.
  4. Once the installation is complete, click Activate button.
You can also install the plugin manually by following these steps:
  1. Download the plugin zip file from
  2. In your wp-admin (WordPress dashboard), go to Plugins Menu > Add New
  3. Click the 'Upload Plugin' button at the top.
  4. Upload the zip file you downloaded in Step 1.
  5. Once the upload is finish, click on Activate. The development repository is hosted on GitHub.


  • The editor
  • List view and two export buttons for different formats


Is it compatible with PHP 8?


How to escape characters in export formats?

The shortcode is rendered as HTML which means that there are some protected characters. Fi. if you need tabsops, provide them as HTML entities ( in this case). A special issue is the <. The format method strips HTML tags (and some other things) in order to avoid injection of evil scripts, even as HTML entity. LOWER_THAN will be substituded by a <.

Where is the settings page?

No settings page at all! Everything is done with shortcodes.

How about multisite?

WP Tournament Registration employs a single database table on multisite installs. This is desired behaviour. Fi., if a multisite provides different language versions of the same site, then you can provide a registration form in every language for the same tournament. For protecting a site against others it is probably a good idea to namespace your tournament IDs somehow, eg. mysite_mytournamentid

Why does it work with JavaScript enabled ony?

WP Tournament Registration does some checks to avoid spam.


1.2.0 1.1.2 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.0