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WP Triage

开发者 jfcby
更新时间 2024年4月15日 06:48
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5
版权: GPL v2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


support feature tracker tickets bugs




The plugin gives you the ability to create tickets within WordPress to keep a record of bug reports or feature requests from people authorised to contribute in the WP Triage system. It is designed to not be overly complicated and keep the focus on collaborative resolutions. The current features include but are not limited to: Support Please create a new thread in the plugin support forums for support issues and feedback or raise an issue in the GitHub repository for any bugs you may find.


  1. Download the plugin zip package.
  2. Unzip and upload to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin in the plugin lists of the WordPress admin.
  4. Go to the WP Triage settings page and configure your projects to get started.


  • Creating a new ticket in a project
  • Editing an existing ticket
  • Adding a new note to a ticket


  • Remove previous author information
  • WordPress compatibility update
  • PHP Compartibility update


Do you accept feedback and ideas?

I sure do. Take a look at the GitHub repository for feature requests and bug reports. You can also visit the plugin page for sending your feature requests and feedback.

How many projects and tickets can I have?

As many as you'd like, although it's advised that you don't have too many to ensure everything is manageable.

Can I assign more than one person to a ticket?

No. Only one person can own a ticket at any time, however you could create multiple tickets if you need to.

Can I show the tracker on the front-end?

Nope. For a couple of reasons the bug/feature trackers must stay within the confines of the WordPress admin area.

Who gets emails for project and ticket based activity?

The project owner or ticket assignee, depending on whichever is set however the ticket assignee will always be preferred over a project owner.


1.4.3 1.4.2 1.4.1