Is this plug-in a good fit for you?
This plug-in is very good for you if:
- you are a travel blogger and you're writing a lot about your trips, as this is a very good way of also providing a bit of extra information (actually, I'm the occasional travel blogger myself and I wrote it with this very purpose in mind).
- you are a niche travel agency, as this would be a very helpful tool to have a highly professional approach to presenting your trips;
- you are a hotel or an accomodation unit and want to present the options your guests would have for spending time around you;
- you are government agency concerned with promoting turistic attractions, as you can have a website up and running in no time: just install WordPress, add this plug-in and you are ready to go.
- attach technical information to a post (ex. how long was your trip, how much did you totally climb, where from and where to, how hard do you think it has been, what kind of roads or trails did you encounter etc.);
- attach GPS data to a post (GPX and GeoJSON files are currently accepted as data sources) and display that track on a map;
- allows management of the look-up data used to populate the fields presented as single or multi-selection options list (ex.
Difficulty Level
, Open During Seasons
- allows customization of the map layer:
- map tile source (comes by default configured with OpenStreetMap);
- enabling/disabling of available map controls;
- customizing the visual representation of the track).
- allows customization of the measurement unit system used to represent various values (ex.
Total distance
, Total climb
- multi-language.
More details
This plug-in provides two basic features:
- allow some structured information to be filled in, according to a selected trip type;
- allow some GPS track to be uploaded and then rendered on a map.
Structured information is supported for the following types of trips:
- Bike trips;
- Hiking trips;
Train rides.
For bike trips the following fields are available:
Total distance;
- Total climb;
- Difficulty level;
- Access information (how to get to the start point and return from the end point);
- Open during seasons;
- Path surface type (eg: dirt, asphalt, grass etc.);
Recommended bike type (eg: MTB, road bike etc.).
For hiking trips the following fields are available:
Total distance;
- Total climb;
- Difficulty level;
- Access information;
- Open during seasons;
- Path surface type;
Route markers.
For train rides the following fields are available:
Total distance;
- How many trains were exchanged;
- Line gauge (mm);
- Railroad operators used;
- Line status (closed, operational etc.);
- Whether the line is electrified or not;
Line type.
PHP version 7.0.2 or greater;
- MySQL version 5.7 or greater (with spatial support);
- Wordpress 5.3.0 or greater;
- libxml extension;
- SimpleXml extension;
- mysqli extension;
- mbstring - not strictly required, but recommended;
- zlib - not strictly required, but recommended.
Available in English and Romanian.
Important note:
For those with plug-in versions older than 0.2.1, please see here notes on updating to plug-in version 0.2.1:
- Refactoring: the plug-in now has a more manageable and extensible structure;
- Feature: Added an about page;
- Feature: Enhanced display for the frontend viewer information items;
- Feature: Added support for GeoJSON file import;
- Improved plug-in documentation;
- Improved usability and UI for the settings page;
- Improved usability and UI for the help page;
- Updated help contents;
- Improved stability and various bug fixes.
- Usability improvement: added a control to the front-end viewer map that allows one to re-center the map to the GPS track bounding area - basically the initial state of the map when it's first loaded.
- Usability improvement: within the WP-Trip-Summary, the "Clear Track" and "Clear Info" buttons have been grouped using a
Quick Actions
control, such as in the metabox used to display the summary in the post page.
- Usability improvement: added confirmation when attempting to remove trip summary information as well as when attempting to remove track data.
- Usability improvement: when removing a lookup data item with existing associations (that is, associated with at least a post), WP-Trip-Summary no longer issues a hard denial, but asks the user to confirm whether he/she wishes to proceed removing the item, as well as sever its associations with the posts.
- Feature: added an option (to the WP-Trip-Summary settings page) to specify the initially selected WP-Trip-Summary front-end viewer tab.
- Feature: added an option (to the WP-Trip-Summary settings page) to specify the front-end viewer map height.
- Improved stability;
- Improved documentation.
- Trip summary front-end viewer can now inserted at a custom location in the post content for which it has been defined using the [abp01_trip_summary_viewer] shortcode (or a special block, if you're using the block editor);
- Support for trip summary front-end viewer customization:
- Refined error reporting when uploading a new GPS track;
- Altitude profile now available;
- Min/max altitude info box now available;
- Refactoring and stability improvements;
- Fixed track uploader not opening on Microsoft Edge browsers;
- Fixed Waymark compatibility issue.
- French translation now available!
- The trip summary editor is now launched from a side metabox, which also displays relevant information and features some quick actions;
- The plug-in is now smoothly integrated with the block editor as well;
- In the plug-in settings editor a user can now specify the weight used to plot the GPS track on the map;
- Added automated tests;
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.4;
- Fixed a GPX file upload issue that occured with certain GPX files;
- Updated dependencies: URI.js.
- In the plug-in settings editor a user can now specify the color used to plot the GPS track on the map
- The post and page listing now have two columns that describe whether or not an article has route information and, respectively, whether or not it has an uploaded GPX track
- The plug-in now correctly works for WP pages as well (previously, it would not correctly render on the frontend)
- Added automated tests
- Added compatibility with Mysql 8.0+
- Fixed an activation issue that occured with certain PHP versions
- Updated dependencies: Leaftlet Js, Leaflet Js Magnifying Glass component, NProgress js, MysqliDb.
- The storage directories have received index.php and .htaccess guard access files to prevent direct access of stored files. These are copied on install and on upgrade, but also created upon storing files, if they do not exist.
- Refactoring of view file names: replaced "techbox-" prefix with "wpts-" prefix.
- Removed deprecated uploader runtimes (flash and silverlight) from track uploader.
- Minor refactoring.
- Moved plug-in track & cache storage to a sub-directory of wp-content/uploads, as, previously, the plug-in stored its track & cache files to its own directory, which caused this data to be lost upon upgrade, since WordPress, when upgrading a plug-in, removes all the files that belong to the previous plug-in version.
- Minor refactoring
- Fixed An activation issue which occurred under certain conditions.
- Fixed the trip summary editor not being re-centered upon window resize;
- Fixed the settings page not displaying the progress bar when saving, if the page has been scrolled.
First officially distributed version.