- You can upload and store any type of files (not just image files). You can use the installation of WordPress as a file storage, so you have access to files anywhere, as long as you have the internet access.
- Get files from FTP servers directly into WP Vault.
- Get files through HTTP. You can easily and efficiently get images and other files on web pages right into WP Vault, without downloading them first to your own PC.
- Browse files in ajax-powered interface.
- Attach image gallery to any posts or pages using stored files, without additional coding. It works without fiddling with any WordPress or theme files. There is absolutely no coding needed. No copy-and-pasting a piece of code. Not even inserting tags into your post entries.
- Serve the resized version of image for faster loading while keeping the original copy safely.
- Make image or non-image files available for download.
- Organize files by tagging them.
- Built-in protection on published files to discourage hot linking (I know it's not going to stop it 100%, but it's better than nothing...).
- WP Vault takes advantage of the WordPress built-in caching mechanism to minimize the number of database queries. You can enable it by editing wp-config.php file. (define('ENABLE_CACHE', true);)
Please see
Official Site for the latest information on WP Vault.