WP Weixin 提供 WordPress 和微信之间的集成。 在微信浏览器中自动注册或验证用户,使用微信创建账号或通过微信扫描二维码在电脑上验证,在微信时刻分享帖子和对话,或者扩展插件以获得更多功能!
- Requires a China Mainland WeChat Official Account (Subscription or Service - Service is required if used with companion plugins dealing with payments).
- A domain used by WordPress must be registered in an Official Account's backend.
- The plugin itself does not require programming knowledge, and provides really useful functionalities out of the box. Where it really shines though is when used by developers to extend its functionalities (mainly through the pre-initialised JS SDK, the WeChat Responder, and various provided functions, actions and filters).
- Make sure to read the "TROUBLESHOOT, FEATURE REQUESTS AND 3RD PARTY INTEGRATION" section below and the full documentation before contacting the author.
此插件为 WordPress 添加了以下主要功能:
- WP Weixin settings page: configure the plugin with an Official Account (or as many as you want in multisite) in English or Chinese out of the box, with instructions for each option.
- WeChat Authentication: automatically create and authenticate users in WordPress in the WeChat browser, or allow users to scan a QR code with WeChat when using classic browsers (social login).
- WeChat Account Binding: let users bind/unbind their existing WordPress account with their WeChat account. Integrated with WooCommerce and Ultimate Member account pages, and may be integrated with any membership/account/profile plugin easily.
- WeChat Share: Share posts and pages on Moments or Send to chat, in a pretty way. Triggers JavaScript events for developers on success and failure.
- Force WeChat mobile: to prevent users from browsing the website outside of the WeChat browser. If accessed with a classic browser, the page displays a QR code.
- Force following the Official Account: to harvest WeChat followers, forcing users to follow the Official Account before accessing the content.
- WordPress Users screen override: to display WeChat names and WeChat avatars if they exist, instead of the default values in the user screen.
- WP Weixin QR code generator: to create custom codes.
- Menu integration: allows to set the Official Account menus in WordPress when the WeChat Responder is enabled.
- Welcome message: sends a welcome message in WeChat when a user follows the Official Account ; allows to do so with WordPress when the WeChat Responder is enabled.
- Developers - WeChat Responder: for developers to receive and respond to calls made by WeChat's API.
- Developers - WeChat JS_SDK: the
JavaScript global variable is pre-configured with a signed package to leverage the JavaScript SDK of WeChat in WordPress themes more easily.
Compatible with
WooCommerce Multilingual,
Ultimate Member,
WordPress Multisite, and
many caching plugins.
Developers are encouraged to build plugins and themes integrated with WeChat with WP Weixin as a core, leveraging its publicly available
actions and
filters, or directly
make use of the provided SDK.
If you wish to see your plugin added to this list, please contact the author.
高级 - 多站点
WP Weixin supports multisite installs of WordPress, wether using domain/subdomains or subdirectories. It can even support multiple Official Accounts, provided the proper filters are implemented. For more information, see
a more extensive description of the multisite settings, and the
Multisite section of the documentation.
与某些插件(商业,混淆和可疑的安全标准)不同,WP Weixin 不会也不会依赖于在 WordPress 根目录下转储的跨域脚本,而是更喜欢利用标准的 WordPress 功能,操作和过滤器。
与大多数微信集成插件不同,WP Weixin 及其同一插件发布的配套插件是免费提供的。
WP Weixin is regularly updated, and bug reports are welcome, preferably on
Github. Each bug report will be addressed in a timely manner, but issues reported on WordPress may take significantly longer to receive a response.
WP Weixin 和所有配套插件已经过最新版本的 WordPress 测试 - 如有问题,请确保您能够使用默认安装的 WordPress,Storefront 主题(如果 WooCommerce 处于活动状态)以及任何上述支持的情况下重现它 如果在报告错误之前使用了插件。
WP Weixin 及其所有扩展的功能请求(例如“让 XYZ 很好”)或第三方集成请求(例如“它不能与 XYZ 插件一起使用”或“它不能与我的主题一起工作”) 只有在微信上收到最低人民币 500 元的红包(保证尽力而为,不保证结果)后,才会考虑插件。
To add the author on WeChat, click
here, scan the WeChat QR code, and add "WP Weixin" as a comment in your contact request.